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Everything posted by coryscobra

  1. me 2 let me know....
  2. Lol.....no but it sure looked that way.
  3. Yes the guys posted that were in the video.....the 75 shot was not working on the GT500. Which behind boost is a huge difference. And yes the Evo was brake boosting and taking off on the 2nd honk.
  4. Decent vid..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyjJYHLfju8
  5. Doesnt matter to me....not being a dick at all....but how isnt your car a roll car? Its an M6 right? What gears? Still 10 bolt?
  6. Yeah he told me he will when it gets tuned.....
  7. I would want the other car to have race gas and running to its full potential so when I beat it.....You dont here all the fucking excuses about how "well if I had race gas and turned up the boost" blah blah....like Anthony said...."run what ya bring"....and like Rob said when you have your car out to race it should be ready to race....and Shanton in your situation you should have had race gas in the tank...but its not your fault the guy bitched out.
  8. Me 2....I will try this white one also.....
  9. Craig and Zach your cars look good...
  10. Yes they are. You doing anything to yours? PM me..
  11. I'm in. Whoever wants some let me know......
  12. I will run for a few dollars this summer....N/T CREW
  13. Nothing at all yet. Going to pull the Charger off with in the next month and send it in for a Stage 4 Port then a re-tune.
  14. Yeah I can see this happening Sam...you would drive it for a week then say fuck it and before you know it the thing would have a turbo on it.
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