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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    MW2 thoughts

    get it for you mac... oh wait nevermind
  2. You need to fire who ever cleans that car. Bring it down here to have it detailed right.
  3. wireless mouses suck. deathadder FTW. http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/peripherals/razerdeathadder/images/deathadder_LRG4.jpg
  4. that why I loved growing up out in the country. The back half the of yard would be raked into the garden and burned and the rest would be raked into the creek in the front yard.
  5. If you had anybit of common sence that wouldn't be a issue. Done blame the PC for you not scaning files you downloads
  6. we used to live by a quarry that actively blasted and it would shake the house it never sounded like anything falling on the roof.
  7. next time it happens push the insulation out and look through.
  8. Cleaned up. Next thread shitter posing in here gets a vacation.
  9. we are cutting back to one phone and she really likes the droid.
  10. will probably get one this weekend for the wife.
  11. all depends on the duece. If its a clean break I'll use the hand sanitizer, but if its a mud butt case I will was and sanitize.
  12. A co-workers son was just stationed there. As soon as this happened she left early, havent heard any updates back from her yet.
  13. you should watch the video again the my fingers move at the same time. but yes they do move slow it is impossible to do at speed. and you were right you didn't challenge any you said and I quote nothing more nothing less. I proved its doable.
  14. How so? One finger is going clockwise and the other counter clockwise. What more do you want? Perfect circles?
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