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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    windows 7

    Is 7 a 64 bit O/S only?
  2. same here. although when I turned 16 I had to have a Cutlass. Wish I still had that car. Was 85 t-top with a 307 boat anchor.
  3. probably get a small raise (like 2%), but at least I have a job.
  4. well, I thought you posted it.
  5. nope no new van we plan on keeping it till paid of and it will probably be my daily for a while.
  6. not if it is part of a reoccurring trend in which after they go up they go back down.
  7. what are your goals for the engine??
  8. paying off some bills and probably putting the rest towards a new car.
  9. Skinner


    I would say any company that offers OEM coverage.
  10. Skinner


    cut-rate insurance = cut-rate parts.
  11. That's one way it could turn out. Hopefully the houses around you get bought back up all be it at a lower price once the market turns around (however long that takes) the houses will go back up in value again and your hopefully able to take advantage of that.
  12. at least 10 % of the home around you are were not foreclosed on.
  13. Not anytime soon at least. But you planned on being there for at least 10 years anyway right? Hopefully by then all this crap has worked itself out.
  14. you would think that the banks would want to work with the loan holders to keep them in the house even if it was at a small loss is alot better than having to auction off the house. One of my neighbors let his payment go unpaid for a while and after talking to him his loan company tried everything they could to keep in the his house. Sadly at that time coke was more important then his house and it when to HUD.
  15. That's shitty not the bank is stuck with a property that they will have problems recouping the money and what makes it even worse is that it hurts your valve of the home as well.
  16. damn did your neighbor lose thier job?
  17. do a search for bollywood you will find some funny as shit.
  18. Oct 6 2006 way to stay on top of things and its a repost.
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