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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    Mac People

    My wifes new toy for work http://images.apple.com/imac/design/images/gallery/imac_3_20071026.jpg
  2. Be careful if she is a "friend" of Cavin's when he is at the Lodge bar.
  3. dude thats a crazy body fat % to maintain what do you eat daily chicken and egg whites?
  4. doesn't matter he could back into a lambo or geo metro the rate will be the same.
  5. suspension, aero dynamics can't be a factor when Porsche bought a car to test unless Nissan did changes to the orginal car. what they really need to do is have both car companies go to a dealership pick up a factory fresh car and run them on the track the same day to settle it.
  6. haha... wow Biden has a slip of the tongue and he a moron. I point out that palin is just as bad and you go on the defensive.
  7. apparently you haven't seen the Palin/Couric interview. Seriously Biden goofed on a caught phrase. Palin's interview was what an hour of WTF!??!?
  8. damn disabled people, he so had it coming.
  9. no Honda cancer it is a rare find.
  10. http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/115/9/9/Oh_Noes_by_camelhijackation.gif
  11. FUCK YOU to Duff. oh and Jones thank you for the 20 and your approval. I feel all warm inside now.
  12. Fuck you Kevin R. Jones is my dude and I'm not going to let some other dude talk shit about him!
  13. I think you jut answered your own question then.
  14. right click and set sender as junkmail. may takea bit but the system will filter it out.
  15. learn to read it was answered twice and now for the third time. Hick or fucking hick is not a racial slur. Beaner is. You can think that if you want... but, your wrong. damn 0 for 2 wrong again. I don't even know El Borracho and to be honest have disagreed with him in the past. it wasn't personal the rules were broken he was punished simple as that. On a side note. Why do you care and why bring it back up the ban has expired. ac
  16. If this is happening at her work have her tell management if he is there for special duty maybe they have have someone else come in.
  17. http://smiliesftw.com/x/big_bandwagon_lol.png
  18. has he done or said anything that has made you uncomfortable?
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