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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. http://images.istheshit.net/rlpflekq.jpg
  2. does the car come with the kids? I could use soem cheap labor.
  3. nicely done car would have kept the 6 in it thou. good luck with the sale.
  4. maybe your taste buds are broke.
  5. maybe its just me but tap water has a strong chlorine taste and some bottled water tastes like plastic to me. I prefer filtered/distilled water.
  6. fat is not a replacement for lean muscle my friend
  7. wrong again. I will vote for the best canidate that is available (that will fuck up the us the least), unforantly it will be a repub or dem.
  8. no, there you go assumeing again. I havent decieded what I am doing yet will I be voting? Yes. But I will wait and see who the nominees are first and then make up my mind. There is no point is saying that I am voting for this person or that person right now. Alot can happen in a year.
  9. strong forearms will not help you for curling you want to have strong biceps.
  10. who said I was even voting this coming election. Why vote for who you hope will be in office? Why not vote for the canidate that will truely be the best option between the 2 partys (because in the end they are the only ones that count).
  11. it was writen by a republican.
  12. I say if you wantto get he a camera get her a nice 35 mm that way she can learn to use the f stop scale and what different Apertures will do to the photo. You should be able to pick up a nice Pentex for cheap cheap.
  13. should have posted this up sooner I just got rid ofa ton of diaper boxes.
  14. need pics to see what you talking about. will be easier to tell if we can see what your describing
  15. Skinner

    new guy here

  16. sadly no he doesn't, nor does he have the abillity to type it.
  17. happy B-day welcome to the 30s club. You know 30 is the new 20.
  18. Skinner

    im a newbe

    well hello there handsome.
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