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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Websters says otherwise. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/ain%2527t
  2. congrats mike on the new whip. now give me your wheels please.
  3. now does that price Grange quoted you include the claim for the hail damage if so I would take it and run. but make sure you first have your house taken care of.
  4. Skinner


    welcome to the board.
  5. not sure I found this on shacknews.com back in july maybe june. when back through and was unable to find it now.
  6. no twin speak yet. But my wife is a twin as well and when she is around her sister them tend to mumble and understand easchother clearly.
  7. yeah triplets aren't cheap with daycare and diapers we payout a little more than a monthly house payment we have . The crazy thing is before they were born we didn't know how we were going to do it, you just find a way. as for potty training thats a little way away yet the haven't really started saying any words besides moma and dada. oh and yes they will flaot out destroy any room in 30 seconds or less.
  8. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/InternetExplorerWallpaper.jpg home PC wallpaper
  9. I'm sorry, who are you again? no seriously!??!!?!
  10. Skinner

    Nasty Snatch

    no, but bring stickers maybe you can snag a power scotter things from target?
  11. thats awesome welcome to the multiples club. Its a wild and crazy (yet fun) ride. So are they identical or faturnal? are multiples known to run in her family? So is this your first child/children if so its easier then what ya think. Just remember Routine is key. Never try to break from it and you will be good. Also you really woun't mind the lost sleep (at least I didn't). My wife was the same boat, at week 23 went into labor (zero survival rate for multiples) needless to say they were are to stop the contractions and she spent the next 2 and ahalf months at OSU in the maturnity ward. We made it to week 31. The boys then spent the next 2 month at OSU and Childrens getting stronger, which was nice it gave Autumn time to recover from surgery. If you have any questions let me know we have pretty much dealt with all the Highs and lows these past 17 months.
  12. Twins??? congrats either way.
  13. we drove to chicago last year after work one night was 4 in the morning fair amount of traffic and everyone was going 85 + in a 55 mph zone.
  14. :note to admins delete thread it one month.
  15. really I have TW now and was goint to switch over to WOW $99 for digatal cable, 6 MB internet, and digital phone with free DVR locked till 2010. I am realy happy with TW on issues at all but they will not try to price match it at all.
  16. Skinner

    I need:

    habor freight has them for cheap cheap. incase you can't find one to use.
  17. I might make if I am able to get the few things around the house that need done.
  18. welcome to the board. Hope to see you out sometime.
  19. I want to say ATI has a carb setup that they sell to handle boost for there pro chargers. It should work for your setup or find out what has been down to them to modify your own.
  20. found this off the odot site http://www.buckeyetraffic.org/otis/roads/default.asp
  21. agreed if I got down to 170 I would want to add a good 15 to 20 pounds of muscle back on your frame.
  22. looks good. its a Dr. office it doen't have to be flashly just get the basic info across and your golden.
  23. Skinner


  24. but the commercial is even funnier. http://www.livevideo.com/video/landing/840C55FCB4994CDF922301BC696427E6/temptation.aspx?tx_site=filecabi.net&tx_cid=1337&tx_category=2
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