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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Oh like you could do any better
  2. http://southparkvideos.blogspot.com/2006/10/1008-make-love-not-warcraft.html hands down the funnies SP yet.
  3. Skinner


    I'm IN 2 min drive from the house.
  4. So I'm on 270 this morning and in the FAST lane trying to make my way through traffic and this guy in front of me is dead set on driving 70 -72 in the fast lane. WTF!??!?!!?!! So I kinda ride his ass a bite so he will get the idea that I would like to get around him. does he take the hint? NOPE is clueless and tries to brake check me. Now I understand traffic in the other lanes was running slower but there were numberous times he could have gotten over and let me pass. If there would have been room on the right believe me I would have went around him. Seriously people in this city really need to learn to drive and understand if you in the fast lane and someone wants to get around you get over let them pass. [/rant] :)
  5. fucking kill her. worthless piece of shit.
  6. Skinner

    God Damn Ricers

    wouldn't call him a ricer just a typicall ohio driver.
  7. quickest pic I could find. 70 to 73 are all the same execpt for minor details
  8. gen 1 are nice don't get me wrong but for me a that 70- 73 split is where its at.
  9. to each his own http://www.pro-touring.com/featured_cars/Camaro/lou_rodriguez/hugger3.jpg http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190039527252 I think these cars are beautiful but what do I know.
  10. 70s 71 split bumper camaro 80s 85 cutlass supreme T-tops (first car) 90s FD
  11. I'm in the process of finishing my garage.
  12. its also a volvo s40. the 3 is the same platform as the focus yes but is built 100 times better and is not built in the states.
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6047635265825955613&q=taser http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5477691996202644679&q=taser http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6418223683353182000&q=taser http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1529596964353524159&q=taser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wTj-Zc86hw
  14. ortiz vs shamrock 3rd rematch on spike tonight @ 8:00. I say ortiz will win again.
  15. that's really sad. Unfortuently sexual predators have always been around and doing the sick shit that they do its only been brought to light here in the past years thanks to the Internet and media. What really needs to happen is the laws need to be changed/revised so that if you are convicted you never see the light of day again.
  16. greg check you PMs I can pick it up tonight after work.
  17. thats not too bad of a stay time. My wife was stuck up at OSU on bedrest for 2 months.
  18. I would like to pick that monitor up this weekend. Or I can pick it up after work 9:30 dublin area.
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