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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Number 2 http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/jackassnumbertwoqt.html
  2. and in dublin off avery
  3. Hell I say if its a common thing and your customer cars are talking a chance to get damaged. tell management and see if they can get a office to pull some special duty or get a police car to set in the area.
  4. Skinner

    Saturday 17th

    Damn will be out of town.
  5. I've seen your car a couple times when I'm out in the yard doing work or washing the car.
  6. karma my frientd karma is a SOB. Oh a drag when you say west side is that inside (hilltop) or outside of 270.
  7. any reason your going with the ford over a SBC.
  8. Skinner

    its on.

    hey man congrats car looked great Friday night.
  9. have him run adaware and spybot that should clear up his problems. you can get them both at downloads.com
  10. you better feed the bunny the checks it she looks like this. http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/06/entertainment_enl_1138969867/img/1.jpg
  11. good luck, hope everything works out for ya with the STI. I know when its time to get ride of my current car thats what I will be picking up.
  12. Skinner

    Friday the 9th

    yeah it was good to get out and see everyone and meet some new faces. Iwould have to say that we have found a new spot to meet at (lowes that is).
  13. why not??? is that your choose or is there a outside source that is stopping you. (I.E.Johnny law)
  14. ah shit man that will buff right out and what won't buff out a little bondo and a rattle can can clear up. seriously though glad your ok it sucks to see that car tore up like that. So what exactly happened??
  15. I really like how it looks from the rear the lines look great the tail lights are meh, I'm still not sold on the front there is something but it that just doesnt look right. I wonder how much is going to change from concept to production??
  16. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5365147283012404904
  17. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=327259275440271909
  18. 4wheeler + water + 100 feet of sheet plastic = fun need to try this. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7781320192139315514 DOH its fixed
  19. and doing it to your self. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7486583767426908809
  20. I would try never dull but I don't know how long it will last. Oh I saw your jeep today in the parking lot it looks good just needs a meater tire on it.
  21. yes, yes i can. http://www.jamesbondmm.co.uk/images/bond-villains/richard-kiel/rk001.jpg
  22. that tube is meant to do that that why it has a window in the center of it.
  23. OMFG that has to be the stupidist thing I have ever seen.
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