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Everything posted by 93fox

  1. Well according to a state trooper down here last friday, my tint registers at 1%. Even though I have ohio plates on, still got a $76 ticket. I drive mine everyday also.
  2. Damn, makes me miss all my aquariums. Bump for a pretty good deal with really good equipment
  3. Have I seen this in london before...??
  4. Try driving in florida...
  5. Damn, if only I was in ohio, you would have another customer
  6. Try silver lake sand dunes, I had a blast up there.
  7. 93fox

    It's So HOTTTT!!!

    Thats why I love it down here in florida, at least its consistent down here. Although the humidity could come down a bit. I dont mind the hot "dry" heat, but im not really likeing this humid heat.
  8. 93fox

    Verizon person

    Shoot l36tols1 a pm, hes a good guy and should be able to help you out. Hes always helped me out and i've never had any problems.
  9. 93fox


    Hows that coming along for ya? What all have you got done?
  10. +1 I love my env, no complaints what so ever with it.
  11. Quality Tint on Morse Rd. FTMFW!
  12. Thanks lol. Im actually going to be switching to CB, so life will be a little bit better haha
  13. Sweet pics. Thats my job in the Navy, I leave for bootcamp in about 2 weeks
  14. Today was the first time I have ever been to one of these, let me tell you what, it looks like it would ALOT of fun either driving or riding along in any of those cars!! Lots of cool cars, the girl in the red foxbody could drive the hell out of that thing!! OO and Ben didnt do to bad either in the cobra
  15. My vote goes with miller too.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow033.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow016.jpg Then again, these are pretty nice too...... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow032.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow009.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow017.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow019.jpg One more for good measure.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/Jags4life/other%20stuff/2007%20Cobra%20Show/2007CobraShow010.jpg
  16. This is DuffGTP..... You down to meet in hilliard some day this week?
  17. That is ungodly loud, that would get annoying FAST. And what happened with the supra..?? That car isnt that fast...is it??
  18. Just like the title says, looking for a 3" cowl hood that will fit a '91 fox. Thanks
  19. Welcome, nice cars. Any recent pics of the GN?
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