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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. yes it will work with your 3gs but you will lose your unlock for a bit till they release limesn0w
  2. yes many lol limera1n right now works on all devices no you cant mess up the phone worst you will have to do is restore http://www.iphonehacks.com/2010/10/how-to-jailbreak-iphone-4-iphone-3gs-using-limera1n-windows.html
  3. he might have had 4.0.1 and what kind of phone was it a 3gs or a iphone 4? Does he have the newest version of limera1n there was a new version released yesterday
  4. it is a boot level exploit but it does use something that can be blocked, where did you get 4.1.1? Its not out yet as far as i know
  5. find a windows pc or wait lol mine works fine maybe its just a tower you are near?
  6. did you move it up to the top of winterboard? and is it checked in winterboard and did you respring?
  7. awesome!! we should compare ideas i have a few links of what GPS units people have used all from a cheap boost mobile cell phone to a gps tracking unit (which is what i shall use) to an iphone. I will more then likely have one camera for stills and if i can figure out how to manage it one good quality video camera mounted on the side and perhaps one mounted looking straight down. It will also have some LED's on the outside that blink so it can be found slightly easier and will be kept warm with hand warmers and have a Lithium ion battery to power it all. I can get helium from work cheap as we have a corporate contract and a huge tank lol. Just gotta come up with a lightweight container for all of it, been designing things in CAD lol
  8. so far i am only 75 bucks in lol still gotta get the balloon and helium but that will be once i figure out how heavy it will be, might change the design and also use one or two of those key fob cameras posted a week or so ago..super light and compact
  9. im actually gathering parts for this for the past month gonna do both video and pics, just gotta create the container to hold them
  10. so the jailbreak limera1n came out today and found out that SHAtter wont be coming out due to geohot releasing his. Works will all devices except 3gs with the newer bootrom but that fix is coming soon http://www.limera1n.com/ It was very easy, just enter the iPod touch in DFU mode with limera1n on and it'll be jailbroke in a minute. How to jailbreak the phone you ask?? Well read this page and it should walk you through it http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-ios-4.1-on-iphone-4-3gs-with-limera1n-how-to-video-guide/
  11. but now that the android fanboys have options it shall be different
  12. just read the day after 10.10 another jailbreak is coming out lol this is comical to watch, geohot the boy genius who used to develop them all stopped hacking iphones but seems he is back and releasing his own the day after the chronic dev team. Quite amusing to watch eveyone bitch at each other but i hope they arent burning two exploits when we only need to use one
  13. just read this wont work on 3gs or 3g or 2g iphones, just meant for the newer Iphone with the A4 processor
  14. game center and a few other things i have been on 4.1 for a bit now with ih8tesnow's jailbreak
  15. yep as usual i shall and the directions on how to use it
  16. If you are one of those shiny new iphone 4 users with 4.1, or wanting to upgrade to 4.1 and not lose your jailbreak this October 10th is the day everyone has been waiting for i like how they picked 10.10.10 at 10:10am to release it. http://www.iphonehacks.com/2010/10/greenpois0n-jailbreak-tool-for-ios-4-1-for-iphone-and-ipod-touch-will-be-released-on-10-10-10-at-10-10-10.html
  17. what error are you getting i am on 4.1 on my 3gs and i used the same thing
  18. Anyone have a 50gallon or larger aquarium they dont want? Just looking to get back into it and didnt want to buy retail. Figured i would check here before going to craigslist
  19. not without the 4.0.1 file on the jailbreak server you cant
  20. i have always wanted to go also it looks like a blast
  21. i just downloaded it for ya and burning it as we speak. pm me
  22. in a year do what i did send her a Christmas card and say wish we could still talk and include a high dollar gift card to a nice restaurant but don't actually put any money on it, most people don't check the balance then when they go to use it, and she is stuck with a nice bill. Sends one final fuck you message lol oh and the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new tested many times lol
  23. would be much more awesome if it were double rainbows
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