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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. still at work at chase, supposed to stay till 7 might head out here in a few
  2. working at chase, the man wouldnt let me off christmas eve lol
  3. i would laugh with them i mean its one night woken up early, your life isnt that important you cant be woken up once at 3 lol. Cool to see the cops play along
  4. I have never had a problem with ATT service sure i have gotten dropped calls in BFE but i ask myself why do i need to be here, obviously i dont lol. Plus once all the bitchy people switch to verizon it will free up lots of traffic on att. Just watch verizon's network will be the same as att congested as hell once the iphone hits, so go ahead and switch lol just helping me more
  5. figured you had tried that did a quick google search http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vistagaming/thread/0799ce5c-eb7e-4ab2-80bf-84b1185c7d70
  6. I have an linksys E2000 that I have running modded firmware that I really like, and also have a netgear WNR3500L that i got for free courtesy of the government for doing broadband testing that I also use and kicks ass
  7. looking to see if anyone has a kerosene heater that they arent using before i go to walmart or lowes and buy one.
  8. cant wait to hear the rest, still sounds like old dre
  9. are there any good skeleton watches that anyone can recommend for up to 600 bones?
  10. It's not that small maybe the size of half a dime or a little more ?
  11. So I was removing my pcv valve and part of the rubber grommets broke off inside the intake manifold and I have no idea how to get it out. It's a 91 olds cutlass ciera v6 it's in my garage and it's heated and I have tools just need some help. I will pay for time and travel just call my cell 614-893-3444
  12. justinwebb

    new dog

    its so fluffy i wanna die
  13. glad to hear you are ok ben, loved the look of your suby too
  14. just downloaded the bluray and watched it, i loved it twas a great movie
  15. i thought about buying the quadricopter that i can control with my iphone lol
  16. I bought 2 and this counts toward a license. They have done this before and you have one year to use it, not a scam at all I know multiple people that have done this exact program.
  17. On groupon there is a flight lesson for 49 bucks which is a great deal for anyone wanting to learn to fly or just go up for a while and see columbus http://www.groupon.com/columbus/
  18. i am up to 36 apps I have cracked myself and uploaded on Installous
  19. we are on a spinning rock in nothingness
  20. too bad its not true 4g lol, just a marketing scheme
  21. the other guy can go ahead and take it, as i just have been swamped at chase and havent had time to get away
  22. you saw me didnt you, damn it I was wearing puma's so couldnt hook at all, or get any traction once i got going
  23. glad I didnt react like everyone else and just stand there scared and not knowing what to do, just grabbed my phone and while dialing made sure she was breathing since she was having difficulty breathing
  24. So just got off work at chase, had a banker all the sudden start making some crazy sound and look over and she was having a seizure. Ran over helped her out of her chair and still having a seizure and she is a biiiiiiig girl, and dialed 911 and helped her. Anyone knows the chase building its looooong as hell in polaris so since the ambulance was coming I had to call security, so i tried dialing them they put me on hold then hung up so dead sprinted over a 1/4 mile to them lol to tell them to let the ambulance in the gate then sprinted back to make sure she was doing ok. Had to then wait on her parents to come all the freaking way from newark cause she didnt want to go to the hospital so had to wait for an hour lol. I dont get paid enough for this crap
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