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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. voted for the blitz fuck morning shows play music and lots of newer stuff minus all the metallica and shit they play now. I miss the old blitz
  3. i am still waiting on the next iphone to be called the ipad mini
  4. looks like somebody played farmville a bit to long then designed the plate.....i miss the blue and white plates lol they were simple
  5. you can they are releasing an adapter kit to plug in things like cameras and such
  6. live right down the road, might stop by for a few before heading to work later on
  7. 20 a piece lol they are taking up space....thinking about just shooting them and watching them explode
  8. ive had mine for 6 yrs its not bad when you figure it out by cost per month
  9. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1802364
  10. IBM 21" CRT flat screen * 21" (19.8" Viewable Screen Size) * 1920 x 1440 @ 75 Hz Max Resolution Hitachi Superscan Size/Viewable: 21"/19.8" Resolution: 1600x1200 25 bucks a piece OBO picked up as they are heavy bastards
  11. how do you like the hanspree i have never heard of them lol and wasnt sure, i saw the 28 but it just seems like overkill for me lol.
  12. i just know acer makes pc's and wasnt sure about their monitors, i also looked at a 24" viewsonic they have made crt's forever. Also looked at an HP for $299 25" . Would 5ms response time be good enough for games? or should i go with 2ms
  13. so i am looking to get a new pc monitor and looking to get the best bang for my buck. Will be for gaming and looking to get at least a 24 or bigger lol. I have an oldschool crt so i am not well informed on whats good and what isnt. Looking to buy locally also just due to stuck pixels and what not. So any suggestions??? saw a few i liked at microcenter but most were sold out lol
  14. when was your 3gs manufactured? more then likely you wont see anything until the newest update comes out as the dev team and geohot wont waste a hack for apple to fix before then. You can try to jailbreak it worst that happens is that it wont work and you have to restore lol or if it does work it will be tethered and you cant reboot your phone without having a pc there to re-jailbreak it
  15. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    wierd they worked fine for me and numerous others on here, perhaps microsoft is cracking down on it. You can get an application that will get rid of the activation thing but i bet they are putting a stop to the hack that allows this to work.
  16. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    did you follow the steps correctly make sure to uncheck activate now and dont enter a serial, then when it asks to set up an account dont add a password to it. There will also be a black box that pops up dont close it as it activates the software
  17. justinwebb

    Windows 7

    links should work now i just had to take them down my server was getting hammered
  18. i thought about getting an ipad but just cant see dumping the money into something i already have just bigger haha and here is my case for my iphone i am just as afraid of dropping it with the case as i am with the phone lol http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/DSC_0436.jpg
  19. justinwebb


    yes they do lol but it always seems to hold true
  20. justinwebb


    they say 3 snows after the forsythia blooms (that yellow bush thing) and i dont think they have even started lol
  21. i concur but its a job and now i get to tell people what not to do so its not as bad, but they still messed up my acct and i work there haha
  22. was it a rather large sized check? you dont have to say but normally if its a handwritten check that is a large sum then it will be held for a day or two to be verfied, you can have the banker call to verify funds right away they dont like doing it but if you need the funds for something it can be done. if it will be a larger check that will be on hold till friday then you very well might get a fee, without pulling the acct and looking its hard to just guess though lol but if its your first time like i said then you can get it waived or just talk to the branch as they can waive fees also
  23. depends on when the deposit hold is up, i am a supervisor for the telephone banking call center lol. usually a hold is placed on a check for a business day it should clear tonite. depending on how it all posts you should be fine but there is the chance the items will post ahead of the check clearing and get a fee but i doubt it. Also if you have never had fees refunded you get one courtesy fee waiver a year but i think you should be fine....call me ill take care of it lol we process all of our transactions between 12am -7am but if you are able to transfer the difference from a savings acct to cover the negative before 11pm tonight then you will be fine also
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