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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. i have a workforce 10 amp miter saw that has been used only a few times and is in great shape, i have no need for it as it was last of my tools from the house. Pics later on when i can get to my garage in all the snow lol asking 75 bucks obo
  2. just installed my friends in his 360 and set up his wireless for him the other night worked great never any lag at all
  3. justinwebb

    Snow Storm

    fuck i work till 9 anyone with a AWD car want to follow me home so if i go in a ditch you can pull me out, driving in the snow in an oldsmobile with shot tires and back drum brakes that lock up easily can be hazardous haha
  4. shit good point, replace gun with bat. I shall just run faster if they throw the bat at me i go into zig zag patterns it worked for submarines
  5. http://holdf11.ytmnd.com/ hold down F11 once open hahaha
  6. ill bring someone who has a gun and runs slow, i just have to outrun them
  7. hmmm i kinda want to go there and just walk around
  8. Not hating but I just don't see the point no apps will require any faster CPU to perform better and you aren't encoding movies or looking for ET on your phone so what's the point?
  9. Looking for someone with a fender roller who can roll mine for me and has experience lol no baseball bats or rubber mallets
  10. at first i was like this isnt so bad, until i started rotating them then i didnt like it anymore haha
  11. i connect via wifi and just transfer stuff in and out like music, apps, and such its really easy to do
  12. i never use itunes i just transfer to it via ssh
  13. just wondering if anyone else plans on going should be a good set. Have seen bad boy bill at many raves and was always a great show. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r253/scorpio79_2007/BBBGA_CBUS_Back.jpg
  14. i concur cant wait to see what os 4.0 will bring
  15. if you need one right away go to microcenter and buy one then order it off ebay then take back the charger to microcenter. I have done that a few times when mine died and was in need of my pc
  16. i used almost 8gb last month and it was all tethering lol. I read where att had a 5gb cap and after they would charge you but my bill is the same, meh oh well
  17. meh mine has a video that works
  18. pretty awesome view wish i could see it in person. They say it will be gone soon once the mine is finished it will fill up with water http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8466493.stm
  19. i concur that the iphone widgets arent quite up to yours yet but we are working on them but they are still widgets lol. As for the usb transfer i can do that on mine over the goofy apple cable thingy i can thank you guys for coming out with that phone cause maybe now apple will get their asses in gear with the next phone which will surpass the droid's. Its a game of cat and mouse each company outdoes each other each time a phone comes out. And before you ask if i ever have used the droid yes i have as i hack those phones too for a bunch of my friends and even looking into working on some apps for the other side
  20. i voted for ya looks like you are ahead of a lot of people, ill get some more of my friends to do it also for ya
  21. yes it is hacked and apple wont let it run stuff in the backgroud because of dumbass people that would keep putting stuff in the background like games and kill the battery. Yes I can background stuff and do it all the time so you are very mis informed and need learn before speaking. We have widgets and its not really an app as it sits anywhere that you want lockscreen or on the springboard, and its still a widget you need to look up the definition. I can transfer files via USB and wifi why do i need a removable card?? i just access it via wifi and much faster then removing a card putting it in somewhere else then opening it on a computer.
  22. but i guarantee you that if verizon gets the iphone you will see similar network problems as they also dont have the infrastructure to handle the huuuuuge bandwidth that us iphone users take up. They claim they are ready but i see the same thing happening with verizon once all the kids and teens get their hands on the phone, dropped calls, slow networks, and the same thing att has right now. I have never had one problem with att no dropped calls or anything and i am all over
  23. i own nothing else apple, just like to know my electronics so i can make then do what i want. Hence why i am working on coding my own apps and also work on cracking apps so others can have them for free.
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