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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. finally got all the way done with it
  2. left hand side all the way at the bottom under promotions then free dr pepper
  3. yea i know it keeps timing out...but hey what do you expect for free
  4. So today is the day to go to Drpepper.com and register for your free dr pepper....i know exciting right? http://www.drpepper.com/freeDrPepper/
  5. Im glad to hear that the dog will be ok!!
  6. wow thats crazy glad she is ok though it could have been a lot worse than being out a car
  7. i have had godaddy on mine for a few years i havent had any problems with it, but then again i dont get much traffic....i get a few people downloading stuff i post every now and then but thats about it and they seem reliable and they are cheap.
  8. its that one chick from that make a cake song...i thought the show was like crazy town or something close to that
  9. i agree that is the end...very nice touch
  10. i have yet to get to the end....but i am wishing for great things once i get there
  11. i take part in cunnilingus quite often but i am not quite as brazen as some of you as i dont have my red wings and dont really want to lol.
  12. oh i imagine things have just begun
  13. if you ever need any help shoveling i am always up all hours of the night hahaha
  14. brought back from the dead 175
  15. i have quite a few sites that are invite only and are some of the biggest out there...my bookmarks for all the torrent sites i am on is in the 60's range right now lol limewire is still ok as long as you have the pro version and just download songs and nothing else. Its what i use when i just want individual songs but for full cd's and entire discography torrents is the way to go
  16. haha works for me i need a new set anyways
  17. shit i still have the summer tires on the civic with almost no tread and its like 3 inches from the ground.
  18. you need to work for apple or something cause as much as i see you talk about the iphone it makes me want the damn phone more and more lol...i like verizon but the whole part about them locking their phones so you can use anything else but their apps and such annoys me, but i just renewed my contract so i am stuck for a few years.
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