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Posts posted by SICKNESS22

  1. That was me. Were you able to avoid the tire tread in the road?


    Awesome, ummm most of it, i believe i might have hit a little piece, but i missed the big stuff.


    Turbodude, whats all done to your Z



    Cory, i want to make a trip down to kil-kare depending on what kind of drive it is and what time the gates open!

  2. I seen you at Trails tonight Ben, your car looks amazing.


    Thanks man i believe i saw your car as well, silver Z with stock wheels, badgeless on the rear panel and tips that looked similiar to corsa tips?

  3. Thanks for all the Welcomes everyone


    Tilley im ready for another foot race, i feel faster this year, lol


    Sam i'd like to do some 175+ runs this season


    Eric and Paul, i'm sure we can set up a few races this summer :cool:


    Lawnman: Do you drive a Silver WS6? If so i seen the car at the track and i was rollin with you for a bit on 70.


    LSWON333: Whats all done to your Z?

  4. was ur car parked on high st. sunday afternoon? kinda near the arena district.


    Yeah my car was sitting at Martini's Sunday afternoon, i we were out for the girlfriend's birthday!

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