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Posts posted by Spidey2721

  1. now if bitcoin was rewarded for actual real work with a end result maybe then i could understand them having value. such as computing work done for a industry or company. atm though you have nothing to show for your work. no pizza made, no bridge built, no crack head tasered, etc etc. for those who got in early have made use of it while it was the fad i sure they may disagree. what is that bitcoin worth ten years from now though? can you show me anything that says it will still have value? for those who say yea but i can sell off my computer equipment... yea at a loss and then you have to figure the resources you paid for in cash to run those mining rigs.
  2. looking for somewhere i can catch my avalanche. (was a avalanche fan before columbus had a team so hush)



    like it says. other then something like first row is there somewhere i can catch hockey games without paying 100 bucks?

  3. that car will kill in gtlm. i cant wait to see it on the race track. the protype ford is about to win the rolex... guess what powers it?? also go look up the fuel millage of the old gt. thats why it wasnt raced. it couldnt. the power and millage of the new gt will be killer. i love the sound of its raw exhaust outside of the tubros.
  4. so many of you ripping the op. its not his fault or job to say a damn thing. its not his shit to step in. lay off him a lil bit.


    i agree on feeling for the husband and such, but also in the end who the hell doesnt notice 30k out of even a joint account?

  5. Good. Now they just need to remove the ridiculous requirement for a tax stamp, and MAYBE they'll be widely used. Why are they such a hassle again?


    yea i don't get it. they are 100 times more regulated then the actual firearm they are attached to. to many law makers watching to much tv. suppressors do not make a firearm silent. especially if you are not using subsonic ammo. far from it. also if you shoot at a deer with a suppressed slug and you miss most likely that deer is gone. its not like you can sit up there and take 5 shots at the thing. it will still make enough sound to spook anything in the area. a 22 using subsonic, yea its pretty dang silent. other then that... not so much. i would love for them to be alot easier to get a hold of. i would love to shoot at the range with one and sub sonic ammo. so i dont have to wear hearing protection and can talk easier to the person next to me.

  6. umm nope, and i am 6 for 185 pounds for the record. for the same reason i would be against the law in chicago against saggy pants. i hate em but screw the government telling someone how to wear their clothes or how to look. although i wouldn't be surprised to see a heavier tax on certain foods and drink that are big contributors to our obesity problem here in the states. they did it with cigarettes so whats the difference? hell added more recently here in ohio.
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