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Posts posted by Spidey2721

  1. im sick and cant sleep...its coming out both ends. Life sucks tonight



    wow, yup, you could have left it at "sick, cant sleep, going to die soon"


    I hate the flu worse then just about anything on earth. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. /thread highjack


    Where is Mopar?? I want the viper back in Le Mans


    /back on subject


    I would love to see Ford back in Le Mans, maybe more then Eric would.. I think they are hesitant for the simple fact that Ford has not really done much of anything other then NASCAR for a while. (as far as full factory base goes) (yes I am leaving out their involvement in rally, grand am and champ) I don't think, they think, they can compete yet. I would prolly have to agree. (as much as it pains me to say that)


    Now, rally, champ, and Grand Am. I love seeing the 'stang in grand am. It is the defending champ. I think that Grand Am is, and has been a great start for Ford. Lets see how they do this year. If they can be consistent for more then a year or two then yes lets start to move on to bigger and better things. Champ car. They are building engines only. Again, its a great step forward as long as they pool what they have learned in the many years and put it towards the final goal of competing and winning Lemans. Rally.. sorry I don't get to catch much of the rally. I enjoy it when I do, but just don't get to see much of it. The GT is still new car. I don't blame Ford for not entering it into Lemans this year. I don't think Fords engineers are ready for that kind of a test with that car. Now if they don't enter something in the next 3 years I will be severally disappointed. Oh and all Ford seems to care about right now is selling the but ugly Fusion. Just my two cents after knocking back a few beers.






    Edit: oh but Eric... thanks for flying the Blue Oval flag and sayin what I was thinking when there were no Fords in the feild. Have faith my brother.

  3. Hey how is the Chrysler Classic on Sunday? I might have to head down. I usually go to the Mopar nats but Sundays it's usually dead. If its worth the drive and price of addmission I might come down.




  4. First of all I'm not knocking the school itself. Its a pretty good school actually, and I had myself looked at going there in the past. It just blows me away they dont know anything about the people who invested blood, sweet, tears, money and, in doing so invented their job feild. Or the inovations that came along the way. Also I am not talking about general automotive tech like I said in a previous post. I'm talking about people wanting to go into the motorsports part of the automotive industry. Other then that i'm done I did my vent thank you for taking a moment to listen.




  5. Why do they have to know the history of cars and performance? As long as they understand fundamentals and how a car works I don't see a point of them needing to know it. I enjoy my assistant managerial job at Lowe's but i could give a shit about the history of management. Now if they don't know anything about what they're learning then that's just plain dumb.




    Respect, for one. If your wanting to go into the feild of high performance motorsports then you should know where you feild came from. I'm not talking about someone who plans on working as a certified tech at a automotive repair place. In that case yea, they dont need to know it.





  6. Some of you might have heard of "Northwestern High Performance Motorsports College" here in Lima. If you havent its school that teaches what else but... "High Performance Motorsports". Ok here is my rant... I Dj at a local place here in lima and most of the door guys and kitchen guys that work where I dj go to school at northwestren. My problem is 99.9 percent of the guys I know that attend school there could not tell me anything about high performance history. I asked one guy, who was in his second year (of a two year program) if he could tell me who Boyd Coddington was... He had no friggen clue!!! I have yet to meet one of em that has ever seen a drag stirp in person, much less describe a christmas tree. Above or beyond that... I do not believe any one of em I have met could tell me one single driver that runs formula one. I love my NHRA history. It pains me to think that these kids are going to school fo this, and still have no idea what the heck I am talking about when I say, "altered", or "front engine dragster", or even "nitro methane". Like I said I am ranting, but please tell me there is someone else out there who feels my pain.





  7. thanks for the links I will be checking them out. Its finally in my driveway right now. Got to call tomorrow to get insurance. Issues I see right now are: The light bulb behind the fuel gauge display needs replaced. I can barley see the fuel gague display but it doesnt light up. Had same prob with my 88 t-bird speedo display. Another is the power att. is dead. Need to get that fixed. The leather needs some conditioner bad will do that tomorrow. Still in good shape though.




  8. Been running thru my head a little more since the NHRA nats the idea of moving down to C-bus. Thing is I dont want to give up DJ'n to do it. Anyone think they could give me a few possible names of clubs down there, that might be looking for DJ's. I mostly live mix new age dance-hip hop. Been doing it for 5 or so years up here weekly at least 2-3 gigs a week. If I get this other job I have to call about wendsday I will have the extra cash to move and support myself jobless for a lil bit ;-)




  9. '84 300zx getting it off of my sister and brother in law. It used to be garaged next to my bird while the bird is getting its new motor. Its in great shape. I dont expect to do muc modd'n to it. Just leave it clean. Heck In a few years it will be a classic. First import I have ever owned though. I dont know much about em. Any good links or info would be great.



    Later, jay


    Here is a link from when she put it on e-bay before I told her I would buy it.

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