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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. He has like a 100+ motorcycle collection that he has been accruing since the days he was on friends. I think it's mostly sport bikes and dirt bikes, some vintage stuff. I think I remember him doing some amateur racing or track days with WERA. I know he got the first Aprillia RSV NERA back in 2003.


    His car collection is filled with boring exotics - 911 GT2, Ferrari whatevers, I mean don't get me wrong they are nice cars but it just seems like the same stuff any Hollywood actor buys. It's more interesting that he is a rabid formula 1 fan, and prior to Top Gear he was doing driver interviews for I think NBC (there is a really awkward one on youtube where he interviews Kimi Raikkonen).


    I saw an interview with him and he listed some of his "pre-fame" cars and projects, and it read like a list of wheels we'd all be working. The fact that he had "project" cars just in itself marks him as a gearhead.


    If I came into a huge wad of cash i'd probably buy a pile of bikes and a bunch of oddball exotics.


    I really want Jay Leno's Doble Steamer

  2. never pay markup.


    Markup on the GT350 is why I bought the Stingray instead. Fuk that noise.


    Just wait it out, the RS is the real deal, its a good car, and its not the car's fault dealers are gouging douchebags.


    In time it'll come down to reality.


    As for interior you'll have to pick to size: Fat guy=Golf, Fit guy=RS

  3. Wife's Saab getting a little long in the tooth.


    She's been eyeballing SUVs but I'm allergic to those things.


    Saw this debut and it caught my eye. Like the specs and design, and Kia has treated my extended family well over the years reliability-wise.





    Thoughts on this as a primary family car for the wife? I'm thinking the TT V6 w AWD.


  4. Great movie. If you're old enough its like Dirty Dozen movie smashed up with Guns of Navarone movie smashed up with Midway movie.


    Went in not expecting to like Donnie Yen and the Jiang Wen. Thought "oh here we go, eastern kung fu bullshit peanut butter mixed into my star wars chocolate".


    Came out - Donnie and Wen were my favorites.




    PS - if you're somewhere in the upper levels of fandom you're going to have an annuerism with all the easter eggs and call outs...


    Blue Milk cameo star of the show!

  5. Buying some Michelin Sport Pilot A/S 3+'s for the Stingray and will drive all winter.


    That's how many fucks I give for Columbus's annual snow issues. pffft


    We haven't had serious snow in 25 years.




    <-- remembers the blizzard of 78

  6. Hp doesn't make thrust. Thrust is the amount of force the engine generates in a static environment, hp is the amount of work being done over time (p=F*d/t). They use HP for the ratings because it's easy and universally understood, but when you think about it many variables like pitch of prop and number of blades can have an affect on efficiency (although no longer popular people used to fly Cubs with a one bladed prop for this reason).


    HP is perfectly legitimate to use and talk to when comparing prop or jet engines. We use HP in rocket engineering work as well

  7. Typical android reply. I don't care much either way in this fight, but every time this comes up, every hardcore android user screams and cries like a two year old that's taking their ball and going home.


    I just gave an example, you are more than welcome to do the same instead of ranting like a lunatic.


    You clearly don't understand the lack of value anecdotal arguing. But we can throw names back and forth at each other til one tires and quits.


    And pot kettle black - there are no communities more ravingly lunatic than the apple fanboi community. None. Blind faith based on hipcool vapor with a healthy smarm of holier than thou mixed in.


    Been on both sides of this isle. They both have flaws. Apple community more fun to poke at because you can guarantee the entertainment value of some fan like you biting.


    Like you did. Point out how they're behind and or playing their customers for suckers and dollars and you whine and attack right on cue like a preteen emo.

  8. Yeah yeah blah blah and for every one you can throw up gone Android to apple I can throw up two gone the other way.


    I've owned both too. Apple's no better.


    Only thing they're better at is hype. And getting suckers to buy everything they sell hook line and sinker.

  9. m'ok


    Personal Anecdotal Escalation, ACTIVATE: Been working in IT for >30 years, and also have owned "every phone under this sun"... and on top of that, I've worked on, developed for, and ran companies that build functionality for every phone under every star in the local cluster, and... I'm right.




    PS - Anecdotal evidence plus a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. The term was "app crashing fuckups" as in Apple has just as many of these as anyone. And the stats show it. But don't tell the vegan hipster millennial tech blogosphere that. Data hurts em in the triggerfeels and makes you a bad.

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