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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Tried Teslas. Don't do it for me. Good tech, nice cars. Boring.


    Have neighbors that own them, rode in em. Raced rm. Bleh. I'll never get probably for the same reason I'd never have bought the old NSX. Too... bleh.


    V and the Cobra are in same boat: since there's a new model year out they are both transitioning, so I gotta wait. But if this goes on long enough I'll definitely be checking both out. Love my current V, long in the tooth as it is.


    Panamerican looks like ass.


    BMWs are so good they're boring. You know how on Top Gear they always agree the BMW is the best car, and that's what James May always shows up in. Then the Hamster shows up in some offbeat thing. Then Clarkson shows up in a absurdly over the top AMG?


    I'm Clarkson.


    Although the Lambo suggestion piqued my interest... I doubt it could be a daily. I actually use my cars. I tend not to buy 2 or 3 for purposes but one that I use the snot out of.


    I don't see humping a Lambo to the office. Of course, since I plan to be rich this may not be an issue....


    PS - GTRs look like shit. Well no. Not really. More like boring. Camry-esque. Except their butt. That big giant wavy plastic/fiberglass rubber rear end takes its styling misdemeanors right out of the old Corvette's book of rear end styling offenses. The new Stingray rear was the main reason I actually started sidling up to the Vette. So until the GTR change that ugly billboard drive-in of an ass they are right out. Also, see Tesla above: the "Good but bleh" factor.

  2. So I plan to be rich later this year.


    School me on what car to buy.




    1 - no cheap shit

    2 - sedan (maybe, I don't know, fuck it, whatever)

    3 - dashboard cant be "hotizontally-ish" I hate that, and no wood, grandma

    4 - lots of doodads/screens to play with inside

    5 - ridiculously powerful sound system w lots of input options

    6 - warranty

    7 - 450+hp min (not going down from my V - although if you suggest a really light car I'm in)

    8 - may be commuter

    9 - auto

    10 - AWD if I can get it, RWD w tits stability control if not



    I've looked at Jags, BMWs, Maseratis, Mercedes, Audi, The 300 SRT8 (yeah I know), 2014 Stingrays (I know its not a sedan, fuck off), Cobras, wait-n-see on the next V, WRXs, EVOs, Teslas, Camaros, Rolls, etc etc etc


    I just can't find anything that gets me interested, much less excited. It is sad.


    Help. I'm afraid if I can't find a hot car to lust for, my midlife crisis penis will fall off.

  3. mom went off camera to keep dog from returning. running block. was on tape but not that cut.


    that dog went low and didn't bark. it sited, and went straight in. no hero cat, or mom, and dead boy.


    I'm glad its scheduled to be put down. Should have happened day of. Fucking animal apologists on the Youtube thread make me sick.

  4. Cliffs: dog attacks toddler. Cat drives dog off.


    PS - that dog wasn't fucking around either.




    My take: I'm dad, come home see my boy bandaged up, see this security tape... I walk over to that dog owners house and shoot it in front of them. We proceed to sort out the rest from there. Fuks given.

  5. Will wait for rental.


    Haven't seen a single Michael Bay movie I've liked. Not one.


    Epileptic Seizure inducing edits hiding more than they show. F that.


    Which is to say I don't go to Michael Bay movies. They're all cawk.





  6. FCC action plan (were I in charge)


    #1 Appeal the dumbass federal court ruling overturning net neutrality in Jan

    #2 Block the Comcast acquisition of TWC and any other mergers

    #3 threaten and if need be make an example or two of the new MONOPOLY BUSTING policy


    Ma Bell thought they could dick the american people too....

  7. One bit at a time. Soon they'll own your reality.




    SO.... Netflix folded. Who's next? Here's hoping Google pins these fuckers to the floor when they come sniffing around for cash to deliver those viral Youtube videos to your home.


    Oh, and if you have a startup that takes off, but the ISPs don't like you? Meet Guido, the net charge extortion agent....

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