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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Lets be clear on one thing, boys;


    Any man that complains about boobs being too big secretly likes the




    Don't even bother arguing.

  2. The only thing that movie needs to fullfill its mission is the Cowboy, the Indian Chief, the Policeman, the Armyman, the Biker, and the Construction worker.


    I hear the sequel is going to be called:

    The 306


  3. you forgot "pricks that are annoyed by everything the sun shines on other than themselves"
    I can't help it if my brain works better at 3am than yours. Don't feel bad, you've got a fine list there. I'm sure you'll list more, as you said, take your time.


    Actually #1 on my list should be:


    I annoy myself far more than all that combined


    That list should be "things I would change if I could".

  4. What pisses me off?



    -Foreigners that are smug

    -The domestic auto industry not pulling their heads out of their asses

    -Americans giving foreigners reasons to be smug

    -The administration

    -The last administration

    -The next administration


    -salesmen that need to be called account execs

    -mechanics that need to be called technicians

    -secretaries that need to be called office managers

    -CEOs that ship jobs to india

    -american workers that give CEOs a real good reason to do so

    -young people pretending to be wise

    -old people pretending to be immature

    -people that rationalize mistakes


    -passive aggressiveness


    -women's big boob envy/hatred

    -getting advice

    -getting bad advice

    -getting good advice that i should have known

    -people that go slow in the left lane

    -skinny chicks

    -fags running the female fashion industry and wanting/forcing women to look like 13yr old boys

    -guys that think skinny chicks are hot. you have pedaphillic homosexual tendencies, so just face it

    -only one moon


    -falling for a stereotype

    -people that rewrite history

    -people that rewrite their own personal history






    -venus for being such a pisshole of a planet

    -Artie Lange, man I want just 5 minutes in a barred room with that jerk and no gloves

    -formulaic standup comedy

    -women with botox faces

    -small dogs

    -loud dogs

    -uppity cats

    -loud dog owners and uppity cat owners

    -lawn manicure nazis


    -my eyesight

    -people that don't beleive global warming

    -people that react to global warming with... the kyoto accords

    -carbon emissions trading: lets run around in circles going nowhere and pretend the shellgame is getting us somewhere

    -jeremy clarkson

    -that same synthesizer that has to be in every single euro techno song

    -lowrider jeans

    -women women relationship complexity, wtf

    -kids in economy cars with the seat adjusted all the way down on the floor

    -americans not realizing just how much the rest of the world hates us

    -americans that dont get why

    -how poorly we pay teachers, and what dumbass teachers we get for it

    -the word vomit

    -my cruiser having a fatter rear tire than my sportbike

    -yellow teeth with crud in between talking to me

    -the rest of the world for being whiney and envious bitches

    -shania twain. oh i'd do her. but she's irritating as hell

    -heckler and koch guns being better than colts. damn that pisses me off

    -star jones

    -my wife eating salted licorice then kissing me



    -people that call emos emos



    -people that dont learn math

    -fags and lesbians that are uptight about it

    -heteros that are uptight about them

    -country music

    -highschool football players that don't get that nobody is going to give a shit about it in 3 years

    -highschool wimps who are secretly jealous of jocks

    -steve jobs

    -hiphop going absofukinglutely nowhere for 30 years now, do something with it already

    -american blue collar workers' sense of entitlement

    -white collar workers' overwhelming lack of contribution to society



    -that eye test with the air squirt in your eye

    -China very possibly owning our asses within our kids lifetimes

    -people that think i mean militarily

    -sonny bono skiing into a tree and dieing - what was that for?

    -people just assuming Cher crying at his funeral was a PR stunt

    -bob denver music sucking

    -bob denver being ok in the Oh God movies

    -bob denver crashing his airplane - what did he do to the universe?

    -steve irwin dieing - what did HE do to the universe!?!

    -2001 passed and no space wheel

    -passenger side running light going out

    -my mother dieing before she met my son

    -no matter what i do, i may likely die, probably by heart attack, before i meet my grandkids

  5. Easy there cupcakes.


    Gave Sirius a try for a few months, started on it in fact. Thought the selection sucked. Canceled it. Real simple, zero snobbery. Some of my employees play it work, I check it out time to time to see if its gotten better. Hasn't yet. Not an audiophile, but my musical taste is clearly not mainstream. It may be the "better" product for the masses but its not the better product for everybody.


    Kinda like the same reason Mustangs are still around and the Fbods went tits up. For every 1 person that liked what the fbod brought to the table, 40 people thought the Mustang got it right. What's the better car?




    For me, XM has the better selection: Don't give a shit about sports. Don't give a shit about news (except BBC). Don't give a shit about comedy. Last I checked Sirius still is charging a monthly fee. No commercials on the stations I listen to, zero. The night music shows are better. The national simulcast club music shows are better sync'd and DJ'd. My rates never changed. The DJs play what I want to hear. Don't give a shit how the management team runs it, I ain't listening to Satellite Excel Spreadsheet. Stern can suck my cock. I didn't even know Oprah was on radio...


    Keep the Sirius lineup right where it is. If they port that shit over to XM they'll be giving me a refund and I'll be hacking something else into the V.


    I'm no brand loyalist, if Sirius gets a better music lineup and DJs that don't suck and swallow, I'll switch. Til then, they need to keep that crap right where it is right now, outta my car.


    Don't you hate it when someone doesn't agree with you?

  6. Benz - You're not always waiting for "repairs". Don't beleive everything that comes over the airport PA. Airlines ground/delay/rebook flights for all sorts of reasons, alot of which doesn't match to what they tell passengers... people bitch a whole lot less if you tell them the plane's broke. Nobody wants to hear they've been delayed because the airline has two half booked flights its going to consolidate onto one... but I'm here to tell you thats what they do. Alot.


    But go easy on the chick behind the counter. The people you can actually bitch face to face to have about as much say over it as you do.




    Brian - nice vid. Re: the rocking and rolling, been there bro. It sucks. Add a rolling landing strip to the rolling plane and then it gets *really* interesting on approach... I've chucked a couple times, and thats *after* we were wheels down on the deck.


    I assume that was the *usual* manuvers for coming in for landing in Iraq? The sharp turns and such are SOP spoofs for ground to air? Thats what I've heard at least, even the commercial jets do a dive and scrape into Bagdad International? fun stuff.


    stay safe man

  7. Ok - I like cats and hate animal cruelty and all that, but that was funny as heck.


    Cats are so much more entertaining than dogs. A dog would just sit there and maybe shit or fart.


    Wait a sec... washing a cat? Cats clean themselves. Dogs are the dirt shit-clinging stinkbombs of the animal kingdom. Oh wait, I forgot, yeah, entertainment. Got it.


    +1 vid


    I gotta try this to mine when they get on my shit list. "Time to go to the spa...."

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