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Everything posted by JAMallott

  1. Wow man, that looks amazing! What process did you use? And if you don't mind me asking, how much do you charge?
  2. The song is from a musical called "Avenue Q." The whole musical and the soundtrack is frickin hilarious.
  3. you mean dan? yeah, he's got a pretty quick MR2. engine is stock, but the supercharger adds quite a bit.
  4. looks good man, is that one of the suercharged ones?
  5. i like the cougar! tell them to join www.fastcougar.com (yeah yeah, i know, its an oxymoron...) but tell him!!! please!
  6. it was posted on another forums im part of. but yeah, whoever did find it must be pretty weird or really really bored...
  7. evil in it's purist form....woman
  8. my friend and i would like to come see it in person. if you could IM me so we can talk about times we can meet up and stuff that would be good. my sn is JAMallott. thanks man!
  9. my friend and i would like to come see it in person. if you could IM me so we can talk about times we can meet up and stuff that would be good. my sn is JAMallott. thanks man!
  10. hahaha, i love the weedwacker towards the end...the little civic hatchback or whatever it was.... some of those guys kinda sucked at burnouts, but most were sweet. nice vid.
  11. can i see some pics please? jamallott@insight.rr.com thanks!
  12. can i see some pics please? jamallott@insight.rr.com thanks!
  13. haha i hear ya there man. the other day i saw this old late 80's mini van infront of this mexican supermarket off dublin granville road that had konigs on it!!! it was a minivan!! and yes, mexicans drove it...
  14. i collect cougar hot wheels. there are i think 5 of them. let me know if you have any of 'em. thanks man! oh, and if you needs pics of them i can get the pics to you so you know what to look for.
  15. JAMallott


    im interested and will be calling tomorrow to see if i can arrange meeting with him tomorrow to check it out! so if you get a chance let him know Aaron will be calling him tomorrow (monday) thanks!
  16. JAMallott


    im interested and will be calling tomorrow to see if i can arrange meeting with him tomorrow to check it out! so if you get a chance let him know Aaron will be calling him tomorrow (monday) thanks!
  17. nice pics. where were they taken at? it kinda looks like Hoover Dam in Westerville. am i right?
  18. my friend is looking at one on ebay right now that is going for $150 with like a day and a half left and no reserve, so if that gets up over $700, and his dad ok's everything, he is very interested. and me and him would be doing an engine swap so i guess the milage doesnt matter lol. where do you live? maybe we could stop by and check it out some time?
  19. my friend is looking at one on ebay right now that is going for $150 with like a day and a half left and no reserve, so if that gets up over $700, and his dad ok's everything, he is very interested. and me and him would be doing an engine swap so i guess the milage doesnt matter lol. where do you live? maybe we could stop by and check it out some time?
  20. i knew you were tygerr, i was having a brain fart... the angel eyes you mean? pyro81 is the man for that. he has molds and stuff made for them and everything. if you had come to my last mod meet we could have hooked you up man!
  21. haha, no, i photoshopped it in there. i took the logo on my front airbrushed license plate and made them slightly transparent to get the texture and shadows on the wall to show through. the 4 cyl. auto is rare. only 500 in the world and 250 in the us. and yeah, i got it at CF. are you a member of NECO 2Slw4CR ? whats your member name on the boards there? edit: your chris right!? the guy i meet up with at the thrift store parking lot? you should have come to fest man! it was the best weekend of my life!!!!
  22. yeah, i think anyone on in columbus can beat me. i ran a 19.3 in the 1/4 at 71.45 mph. i had a 200 lb. guy in the car with me, so that time can go down, but its actually a little better than i expected. and i dynoed at 102 whp and 125 at the crank. that was before the carbon fiber cold air extension, so add about 1 or 2 more hp at the wheels for that. the wires are actually all cleaned up. i did that yesterday. they are all over the place because they wernt long enough to go under the intake extension, and i didnt have ay more wire loom. but all is good now. "oh no...more Cougar People.." who else on here has a cougar? i'd like to meet them.
  23. i think i have the slowest time so far... 19.3 seconds at 71.45 mph. i had a 200 lb. passenger in the car with me though. but i know it wouldnt have been much faster without him there. having an auto sucks....
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