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Posts posted by 88lx5oh

  1. im rebuilding a 91 ninja 500. well not rebuilding the motor, but it was wrecked, and im puttin new plastics ans shit on it. but i would like to know some little tricks to have it run like a 600. i bought a smaller front sprocket for it for a little more torque. and im going to be purchasing a muzzy full exhaust. anyone know anythign i should do?? anythign will help. thanx. also does anyone know if its ok to use aircraft remover ( or whatever its called. maybe naval jelly, or airplane remover... the gel you brush on metal to remove paint) on cast aluminum wheels... i want to polish them along wiht the frame and swing arm and stuff. o yeah and if anyone has any suggestion to trick the bike out a litle bit feel free to post something. yeah i might be a little lame to do all this to a 91 ninja, but hey got the bike for $65 and a cigarette :D soo hey its a winter project
  2. yeah i would say the best thing to do is try some cavy boards on the net and talk to someon who has done it... but like everythign else its trial and error... get a fmu though.... you cna get one on ebay. they will work for turbos or supercharges... that will be for your fuel managment. and most likely you computer wil need reburnt. computers always need reburnt... or a new one.... haha its gonna be a project.. let me know how it goes
  3. i had a 91 se-r and was gonna do the swap, call sr20 developement. i got priced on everythgin to do it... that was a front clip wiht the bluebird motor, ecu, aftermarket downpipe, intercooler, and a few other things i needed.. it was gonna be like $3500. shipped! and wiht stock boost i think around 10 psi, it would be about 230hp to the wheels.
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