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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. Thinking about selling my glock and getting something more cancelable. G27 40 sw About 500 or so rounds through it Night sights Pearce grip extension Kholster iwb holster Box of federal hydrashocks Comes with glock case , and everything it came with new Asking $520
  2. and can sew stuff onto leather? maybe your wife or mother? need some stuff done here soon.
  3. i think im actually going to do a wood burner this year.. either inside, or build one outside and duct it into the garage with forced air
  4. with Entourage, True Blood, and Hung finished up.. im now DVRing Sons of Anarchy Empire Boardwalk Bored to Death Dexter Top Gear East Bound and Down
  5. i have a 150k btu torpedo heater.. heats my 2 1/2 car garage to like 80+ degrees in the dead of winter in 10 min. i also have a regular round kerosene heater i think its like 20k btu... so after its 80 in there i kick the torpedo off and leave that one running
  6. shit never checked back.. whoever wants it can get it.. just pm me and let me know... or give me a call
  7. its a samsung 8 gb micro sd hc card have no need for it. $12 brand new never used
  8. really dont need it, but id love to have one and flame it out
  9. I got a new phone so my hero is up for sale. Has Android 2.1 and is up to date. Have the box and charger and manual Looking for $125 obo Would trade for ipod touch as well
  10. It needs to be 18 x 8.5 It can be done and has been done... A LOT... There are a handful of companies that do it nothing local... besides performance edge in akron.. just figure i see if therr is anything in columbus
  11. im wanting to stretch and widen a motorcycle wheel there are places that do it elsewhere, but id like to get it done locally its a 17x6 wheel.. i need it 18 x 8 called wheel medic, lady on the phone said they wont do it
  12. cool, let me know if iceman doesnt take them, ill come get them this weekend
  13. ill take the tires if iceman doesnt want them. i can pick up this weekend cash in hand
  14. The surface may look shitty to you guys, but it is actually great.. pretty Damn smooth and has tons of bite
  15. this is from this past weekend
  16. I got 2 tickets full weekend passes with paddock pass $40 Takes the pair.. pm me or call 614-256- 3407 I'll be up early today like around 10 ill be running errands, so it may be possible to meet somewhere First come first serve
  17. ill be there with 2 other of my buddies
  18. with bolt ons no... with a drop in piston kit and cams absolutely.. over 100 rwhp but that isnt gonna happen lol
  19. looks good, how much to do a cruiser backrest in flat black, and a gas cap in flat black?
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