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Everything posted by BIGGU

  1. yea man i heard about it the day after. i honestly dont know what got him to do it. everytime i saw him he was happy. only thing i can think of was drugs. i dont think thats the case tho. RIP great freind Tom
  2. im probably going to watch thats it.
  3. im really not trying to be mean or anything but why dont you keep this to just one post? ive seen 3 maby 4 about the same thing. i am planning on going btw but i think it would look alot nicer if you could keep it down to only one post insted of 3-4
  4. BIGGU

    Miata work

    Well im sure you havent noticed my abesnece latly but i have taken on a progress for the miata. last 2-3 days ive been putting in a few hours just taking apart the car. well today i drilled the holes and bolted it in. yep the miata now has a double hoop roll bar. i also got time to install a new cd deck and ya know i complain with the top down that i cant hear music so i went about and fixed that, you know the head rest speakers. wow it really sounds pretty nice. so im on hold now till the next parts come. strut tower bar and you what would a mazda be with out a zoom zoom decal.(however the car doesent zoom graemlins/thatfunny.gif till part two that is) for now i just want to get my suspension done and out of the way. Any one that cares to see pictures of the car go to my cardomain at 2zum eunos's Cardomain
  5. probably a rear end collision, they are stupid if they think someone would drop 5500 for it.
  6. tell you all what sucks, go out and buy a convertable and buy a roll bar for it and install it (4 day install) then let it sit there and watch it grow on you to take it out. grrr this sucks
  7. best palace i know of that could fix your car up would be dent magic, they specialise in paintless dentremoval but they also do bodywork. last time i was in there they were working on a is300 for germain of lexus. anyway glad to hear your alright.
  8. BIGGU

    Mad River

    take it your going with jay? i would go but the roll bar must be installed
  9. carl your car was and awsome site to see.
  10. i dynod the girly car, first dyno was with the RX-7 AFM and i got 102 running 15+ lean but i put the stock afm back on and ran 104hp. as far as i know who won was an english gentleman and he ran 378 on a 93 rx7 twin turbo setup. i think he spun his wheels on the dyno also. was a nice site to see
  11. no it was the one on East Dublin-Granville Rd in westerville
  12. im meeting there at 10:30 -11:00 sometime, and yes im going
  13. BIGGU

    I heard...

    i heard that ohio sucks....stupid weather
  14. haha the last one is the best
  15. haha that sucks for them
  16. thats pretty old but none the less its a good find
  17. anyone seen any miatas at uwrench it?
  18. so meet at 10:30AM at passen garage?
  19. well im probably going, its a shame i the company i got my roll bar from is having troubles powdercoating it right now. i was hoping i could get it in before the event but now its looking like it will be here 2 or 3 days after the event. 2 questions tho. when do we meet and where for the cruse
  20. thanks guy but i got it. pulled out my trusty dremel and then i used a screw driver just to pull it out. thats what i get for having a $5 tourque wrench and letting a freind set it and me not checking it next time you hear some one say " i use them all the time i will set it up for ya" tell them to back off!
  21. ok well i was sitting there and i was thinking wow im bored, i have a valve cover gasket i need to put in the miata. so well i unconnect the battery, unbolt the valve cover and then i got the whole cover removed. took off the old gasket and put on the new one. put all the bolts in and finger tightend them. took out the tourque wrench and started tourquing the bolts. i did the 2 bolts upfront( the silver tube)of the block till i heard a pop in wich i thought was the wrench telling me they are good. well then i started the actual bolt in the top at the very middle. bolt one in the chart in faq the bolt poped and the wrench poped up and i figured something bad happend. when i went to check the bolt it was loose and pulled out. the bolt broke off and same with the ones in the front. the 2 in the front arnt bad and i got one out the other i cant. the bolt in the main block broke off i dont know if its sticking out or not. pictures 2 bolts up front bolt on top the actual bolts How bad would it be to fix? and what would i do to fix or am i sol?
  22. BIGGU

    Gas Mileage

    dont want to feel like a ass but mines the same or going up. must be a thing for old cars
  23. so whos up for a road trip to find this kid and use a litte freind on him, little slugger that is
  24. sounds like a deal for me to go in my recently aquired mazda
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