ok well i was sitting there and i was thinking wow im bored, i have a valve cover gasket i need to put in the miata. so well i unconnect the battery, unbolt the valve cover and then i got the whole cover removed. took off the old gasket and put on the new one. put all the bolts in and finger tightend them. took out the tourque wrench and started tourquing the bolts. i did the 2 bolts upfront( the silver tube)of the block till i heard a pop in wich i thought was the wrench telling me they are good. well then i started the actual bolt in the top at the very middle. bolt one in the chart in faq the bolt poped and the wrench poped up and i figured something bad happend. when i went to check the bolt it was loose and pulled out. the bolt broke off and same with the ones in the front. the 2 in the front arnt bad and i got one out the other i cant. the bolt in the main block broke off i dont know if its sticking out or not.
pictures 2 bolts up front
bolt on top the actual bolts
How bad would it be to fix? and what would i do to fix or am i sol?