Well, there are several things you could try. I have heard the mouse trap thing as well, only you put newspaper over them, so they will not injur the dog when they snap.
Secondly, in an effort to get our two bigs dogs off of the bed at night, I bought a big dog bed, like huge, and put it on the floor. The dogs love it. Dog beds have cedar chips in them that attract the dog to the bed. This keeps the dog off of the bed. You may try doing this by your couch. Look at http://www.petedge.com. Everything on there is wholesale.
Lastly, simply do not give the dog access to this room. Use a baby gate, a tall piece of plywood, anything to keep them from getting in there. I have a 96" long baby gate that keeps my dogs in the kitchen. They could easily jump it, but they recognize the boundary.
Keep in mind that it is an animal and it will adapt to it's surroundings. As soon as you start treating an animal like a human, that is when you will start having problems (the whole alpha dog thing).
After having said all of that, who wants to come and teach my dogs not to jump on the couch and bark out of the windows????
By the way, this is Derek's wife.