no the wheels look ok, but they almost need a spacer or look to be the wrong offset. also what size tires are on it?225's? as far as the injectors they look to be stock 19lb ones, they may have been replaced, but they are still stock ones.
instructions from i luv
1. lower pants
2. rub your vagina some
3. pull pants back up
4. pull on plug wire harder now that your vagina doesnt hurt so bad.
Leilani I'd like to line up with ya in the mach 1 and see how it rolls, I'll make sure i bring it out next time. Nice meeting some new faces, I was the semi quiet white guy with anthony looking like a tagalong with no car..
my car got a "little" loose the other night, but I was on the street leaving with no one near me. these 315's look good but sheesh traction is a pipe dream