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Everything posted by morabu

  1. morabu

    supra for sale

    price is awful low not that i would complain if i was a bidder
  2. she is real hott until you get to the pic where she smiles, keep her mouth closed around my cock and she is very fine
  3. morabu

    FS: Gamecube

    yeah....good luck on that new gamecube with mariokart double dash is $99.99 alone! nowhere are you gonna find it brand new w/2 games for $69.99 besides i have 3 games and an extra controller with an controller extension and a high capacity memory card and @stolen5.0 - no sorry, it is the metroid that came out last christmas, still very good though!
  4. i'll take $45 for my computer stand added a crappy pic of the front of my moms, sorry i couldn't open it to let everyboy see how really big this thing is! this is currently my moms storage room and the ceilings are 8-8 1/2 feet tall, so you can see that this thing is like 6 1/2 feet tall with that beautiful cherry wood i'll try..... to talk her down to $125 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/boss_dawg19/album?.dir=/2be6&.src=ph edited for wrong link
  5. morabu

    FS: Gamecube

    ok....ok....$100 c'mon you gotta admit that this is a good deal this would make one heck of a christmas gift for anybody looking for that last minute idea
  6. very nice, but price makes it unattractive
  7. hope you don't like gaming too much, it's still pretty much none existent on the mac, compared to the pc anyway, hope that works out for you!
  8. thta's fuckin disgusting! but it is funny as hell
  9. my girl is interested pics please boss_dawg19@yahoo.com
  10. thx for sending me pics btw, how many miles are on the car? any problems....electrical....no trunk lock etc?
  11. agreed, she definately has a typical "white girl" ass which is flat and pushed to the sides......but she is still fine as hell, with a pretty face and btw i like her stomach, a little pudge isn't so bad. i don't want a girl with visible ab muscles just mho
  12. i'm glad i didn't open it up used my brain and read reviews 1st i'm not easily grossed out, i visit bangedup.com on a daily basis, but seeing this might have done it for me thx for the warning and reviews
  13. great link thx she's very hott
  14. that thing is for sure badass that is the ultimate toy for offroading
  15. for sure het got broke, but still tried to keep performing
  16. chaintech vnf3-250 amd athlon64 3400+ oc'd @ 2.53ghz (253 * 10) geforece fx5600 upping to 6600gt in a couple weeks 1gb of pc 3200 muskin simple green 160gb samsung hdd 2mb cache nforce 3 5.1 surround optorite 16x dual layer dvd burner pioneer dvd rom
  17. that sounds like a very nice skeem you've got there i might have to try that one myself!
  18. there are many more 6600gt agp cards on the horizon, by more reputable manufactures than xfx hold off for a week or two if you can, and you will be happy you did! that's what i'm doin also and for some weird reason right now newegg is like $10 more expensive on that xfx card than tigerdirect or zipzoomfly, hold off and look around btw - i'm now glad i didn't pursue buying your card not to rub it in or anything
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