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Everything posted by morabu

  1. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/919986.html here you go!
  2. morabu

    Half Life 2

    DO NOT buy a key off ebay!, or anybody untrusted for that matter if it has been registered, or stolen your screwed but lets just say the key was legit, yes you can download the game from steam and then use the key to unlock the game and just to let you and anybody else who doesn't know, once you have the game downloaded from steam, or any steam game you can right click on the game name and burn a copy of the game to disk, simple as that, and it inserts it's own autorun/install to work just like an actual store bought game!
  3. morabu

    Ewa Sonnet

    that girl has some huge knockers!
  4. dibs on the monitor! i'll get you on AIM jason
  5. what a link, nice find!
  6. it will pretty much blow on halo and anything else new, pci is just so crappy (sorry to say) the same card in agp flavor would show tremendous fps gains! anyway like he said that really is the top of the line for pci, but don't expect anything great from it for "quality gaming"
  7. morabu

    sword vs gun

    that just shows how well made some of those swords can be! i didn't expect it to last through even 1 shell from that huge ass machine gun! amazing!
  8. this is a vid link i happened to find whil on this site! it's pretty cool imo! http://funnyheck.com/beatboxhar.html
  9. the village was the shit imho, the only bad thing is that somehow out of the blue about 10-15 mins into the movie i looked over at my girl and said wouldn't it be cool if? ............ and don't you know i was damn right!
  10. hahahahahaha......... i'll pass
  11. GODDAMN that was one hell of a comp, with a great song to accompany the vid!
  12. Oh My, this girl is smokin! such a fuckin tease though
  13. this is a vid i happened to find while on newsgrounds, it's pretty funny!! you could call it the alternate ending http://uploads.ungrounded.net/196000/196510_Son_of_a_Peach_.swf
  14. it is beat up, but it still looks good when she spreads it open!
  15. i wonder wtf happened to make her leave, and change her cell and move to mommy's
  16. very nice..... she's always lookin hott
  17. morabu

    Moving Sale

    +1 takes me to a login page
  18. morabu


    there has been quite a debate of this on WBW, movies are at your own risk if posted, but from all accounts from her b/f he says legal and yes, they are from the UK
  19. morabu


    that's how amny i sent to him, don't know why he didn't host them all, one is of her "givin head", and the other 2 are of her "gettin the hog" lol so ask stealthmonkey about that guys, hope you enjoy the 2 that are here at least though! btw - you might be able to find the vids yourself...if you go to http://www.whatboyswant.com/ just type in hannah in the search area it's a great site for anything guys like us are into! lotsa free porn and car stuff(not too much though) very cool forum imho do yourself a favor and post something before you ask for something though, people don't like leechers and newbs to much there! just a word of advice! enjoy edited link
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