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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Don't remember my biggest bill ever, but I once paid $45 for a pitcher of Patron Margarita in South Beach
  2. LJ

    My neighbor...

    It's really not that bad. As for the neighbor, pee on his front door, that should show him who the alpha is
  3. LJ

    holy cow!

    I'm a life member and hardly get any of that shit. Maybe 1 email per day at most and maybe something in the mail twice a month
  4. And go to jail for discharging a weapon You realize you can use force to protect yourself. Firing off warning shots is not that. That is discharging a weapon. Edit: I don't understand how people get the idea that because they have a CHL that they can just brandish their weapon, fire off warning shots, or use the gun to get themselves out of sticky situations that they got themselves into in the first place. A gun isn't a license to scare people or to carry out vigilante justice (which is what stealing your own car back is) it is a last resort when you feel you are about to die.
  5. If this was in Upper Arlington the guy would have been shot dead shortly into the video
  6. Teaching a kid the power of a gun and letting them shoot under supervision is the best way to satisfy their curiosity IMO. First time I shot a .410 and blew up a pumpkin I thought "holy shit" and knew then that it was a powerful weapon and not a toy.
  7. Exactly... Also, if you are a guy and not everyone who has had at least 1 quarter of barber school can easily do your haircut, I think you need to rethink your life choices
  8. If the corn wasn't grilled you are not a man.
  9. Growing up our guns were always in a safe and hanging on a gun rack in my dad's office. I don't think getting one of the guns down was ever a though for me, because just being in Dad's office was an ass beating in itself. I was given a spring BB gun when I was 4 but when I was about 7 or 8 and starting to get to the point where I could reach the ones in the rack my dad bought me a .410/.22 and took me shooting anytime I wanted. When I do have kids all the guns will just be in a combo safe, on me, or locked in a small bedside safe.
  10. One in Blacklick has never messed mine up in over a year
  11. This. Get the MVP and the double. You can thank me later
  12. LJ

    open carry

    Also, NBC just reported that the guy made verbal threats to students
  13. LJ

    open carry

    This is true, but it's still a campus decision. I mean, I think with the way the laws are, not carrying around a campus like that is a pretty common sense thing. I don't think that is your typical open carry situation.
  14. LJ

    open carry

    Well seeing as how carry on campuses is not allowed.....
  15. LJ

    open carry

    Well true to a point. If they have it posted at the service desk, and they catch you at the service desk, you're boned. It's posted on the employee corkboard near the bathroom and they get you coming out of the bathroom, you are boned. The other is if they have asked you to leave before and catch you again, you're boned, because while it's only a warning when you haven't seen a sign, being verbally told by management is the same thing.
  16. http://webbond.seminolesheriff.org/bookingphotos/201100006083.jpg
  17. LJ

    open carry

    Oh, I have also OC in Westerville. If you ever go into Westerville Barber Shop next to Roush Hardware you will see guys in there who OC every so often.
  18. I have some friends who collect Fords. Get me some real pics and I will pass them on
  19. LOL, I just saw this thread but first thought was "OMG HE BOUGHT THE JAMBULANCE!!!". I used to hang out with the guys from BJ, way back even when they were "Formerly Quaters"
  20. I am pretty sure cedar point has some neat cabins right on the lake. Btw, I only mentioned Hocking Hills because The Grouse Nest is worth the trip all in itself
  21. Get a cabin in the Hocking Hills area and make a dinner reservation at the Grouse Nest restaurant http://www.grousenest.com/index.htm Most of the food is locally sourced wild game http://www.grousenest.com/dinner_menu.htm
  22. LJ

    open carry

    I could be wrong, I haven't been to Polaris in years
  23. LJ

    open carry

    Pretty sure it's posted on the mall rules
  24. LJ

    open carry

    taking it to Easton or Polaris wouldn't change, the actual mall management has banned the guns, not the state.
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