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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ


    I had to choose between being identified as a Senior Member or Gun Crew... hmmmm
  2. Linda Walker FTW. She is cool as hell. That is who I took my CHL class with. Anyways, Columbus has a bunch of morons in charge and it REALLY makes me want to move.
  3. Oct. delivery paid $105 and Nov. Paid $90. Oct. pumped would be about Dec. delivery. I know what I am saying. I own an oil company. And actually, I forgot what day it is, you are seeing late Nov. oil. Takes 10-14 days from ground to pump for domestic, about 21 for imported Big companies like Exxon and such pay on a spot price. Whatever the moving average over a 2-3 hour span is what is paid.
  4. No, today we are seeing late October/Early November oil. Gas prices dropped hard because of an oversupply of "summer gas" and a very weak demand picture.
  5. It is an upconvert if true. NO channels send a signal in 1080p
  6. He should be able to. I would offer some names of some guys I know who are distributers, but they all sold in July when gas was $4
  7. Wow.... Bravo on the funniest post of the century. Can we archive this?
  8. For the Curtain Players building I would DEFINITELY have a professional come in and tell you what you need.
  9. Gasoline is traded on a commodities market. They are actually making MORE profit off of lower prices than they did off of higher prices. Think $.15 now vs $.05 at $4. That is everyone, the stations, the distributers, companies like Exxon.
  10. People laughed at me when I said this economy would REALLY take a shit if: The dollar stregthened Oil prices tanked It's commodities deflation, and no, it is not a good thing. If things were in equilibrium, we would have about $75-80 oil and $2.25 gas.
  11. If you mainly watch a lot of Cable TV, 720P is the way to go. If you plan on getting a BluRay player and plan on mainly watching Movies, go 1080p. Most likely you will never see a 1080p signal over the air or cable. Takes up WAY too much bandwidth.
  12. Austin- P.S. did you read my e-battle with the Jack Bauers in WMD?
  13. .410 00 only penetrates 4.5" I would grab something else, or load it all 5 shots with .45 LC
  14. I was going to post something, but I didn't wanna always be "that guy" http://theboxotruth.com/docs/bot41.htm
  15. LJ

    25inch sharp tv

    I will take it for $30
  16. Dear Coach Tressel, Just thought I would write you about this new play that has been invented. When a team is coming with a lot of pressure play after play, you can do this nifty thing called a "screen". It lets the defenders get into the backfield, then the QB throws a short pass to a RB, with blockers all the way down field. If you catch the other team in a blitz, you will gain at least 10 yards. I believe Michigan ran this play 30 times in the 2003 Michigan VS OSU game.
  17. PayPal is a scam and they don't protect you from shit
  18. I heard knob creek is insanely expensive now.
  19. It is for anyone who does not have the proper credentials So, therefore it is illegal for about 99.7% of the country, lol.
  20. nothing besides .22lr can be registered for the first time as a civilian sale FA after May xx 1986.
  21. When did Kenny go to Jacksonville?
  22. I just check up on many of my classmates on this neat classmates search website http://www.drc.state.oh.us/OffenderSearch/Search.aspx
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