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Everything posted by VDUB

  1. me too, depending on when since I dont get back from school til the 17th.
  2. wow, im jealous. have good time man!
  3. Well, I'm curious. Did you not expect to find European sporting news on a European news website?
  4. The orange one definitely looks good.
  5. VDUB

    XBOX modding?

    Works perfect for me, couldnt ask for more. graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. VDUB

    XBOX modding?

    I believe I have an x-ecuter 2.3b, with a switch and a 160 gig HD. I'd recommend an X-ecuter, mine has always worked great for me.
  7. Gotta love mods. Halo 2 is the only game i've bought in months.
  8. I completely agree. graemlins/nod.gif
  9. I had a friend at school get one on EBAY for like 70 or 80 bucks the other day. Might wanna look around there to see if you can find anything. smile.gif
  10. VDUB

    Amanda Lexx

  11. VDUB

    O-S Who?

    I fail to see the correlation between having a six and three record and sucking, but hey I'm sure you've seen them play, so you can comment.
  12. VDUB

    O-S Who?

    Maybe Pitt is better than you think?
  13. I went to DeSales, down with Watterson!
  14. VDUB

    Halo 2

    I cant even beat the first f'n level. I'm stuck at this one part and dont have a clue where to go.
  15. Haha, we got it to work with other people. Just an unlucky day.
  16. VDUB

    Halo 2

    Going to pick up mine at the EB here at Midnight.
  17. VDUB

    School levy's

    I completely agree with this man.
  18. We're not all ignorant, I promise.
  19. I had a Nomad before getting my iPod and didnt like it all that much. The layout of the iPod is much better design wise and my Nomad completely died within 6 months of having it, while using it under normal use.
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