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Everything posted by SilverAudiMike

  1. And that kid has little arms.
  2. Oh yea, I pwnd everyone in this thread.
  3. http://www.erichufschmid.net/TFC/img/US-uranium-baby.JPG
  4. Where are the rolling pictures from after track day?
  5. Lol I never went to 4th. Derek 122mph, no gears.
  6. Hey facker dont forget about me.
  7. So where are all the pics the guy was taking right at the water box?
  8. We the increase of business that we have seen recently from Columbus Racing, I thought I would post a new price list. Call me at the office at 614-299-9866 with specific questions. Wheel Medic, Inc. has pictures and general information about wheel repairs as well as wheel sales. CR pricing is the same as our commercial pricing. Refinish Only:$90 Straighten only (backside):$75 Recondition (straighten and refinish):$110 Hypersilver/Shadowchrome:add $35 Gloss Black:$65 Gloss Black with Powder coat clear:$90 Refinish Center Cap (most):$10 Mount and Balance 17" and less:$11 Mount and Balance 18-20":$12.50 There are additional charges for 2-3 piece wheels, polishing, machining, etc... You can drop off your car or bring the wheels in, its up to the customer. Mike @ Wheel Medic, Inc.
  9. Either $90 if they are not bent or $110 per wheel if they are. Gloss black is $65/$90 likewise. $11 per wheel for mount and balance up to 17". I will post a new price list.
  10. CR pricing is the same as our commercial pricing. Refinish Only:$90 Straighten only (backside):$75 Recondition (straighten and refinish):$110 Hypersilver/Shadowchrome:add $35 Gloss Black:$65 Gloss Black with Powder coat clear:$90 Refinish Center Cap (most):$10 Mount and Balance 17" and less:$11 Mount and Balance 18-20":$12.50 There are additional charges for 2-3 piece wheels, polishing, machining, etc... You can drop off your car or bring the wheels in, its up to the customer. Mike @ Wheel Medic, Inc.
  11. I ran several high 11s and low 12s. Missed 4th a couple times, and rolled out of the hole. Best was: 60' 1.98 1/8 7.75 mph 95.92 1/4 11.81 mph 122.0
  12. So was the door not locked?
  13. I heart Mike, always looking on the bright side.
  14. Please...stop...typing...like...this...it...is...driving...me...and...every...one...else...on...this...board...bat...shit...crazy...
  15. We can send them out to be rechromed. Call me at the shop to get a quote 614-299-9866.
  16. We cannot strip chrome but we can powder coat over it. It doesn't have the adhesion that it would on bare metal, but we do it often. Can you fix minor curbrash on a chrome wheel (extremely minor)? We cannot repair curb rash on chrome wheels, unfortunately they have to be entirely stripped and re-chromed.
  17. Do we have to file anything new, or is it just based off when you filed your tax return?
  18. Wheel Medic is giving away a free refinish (any color) of 4 wheels to the quickest 1/8 mile. Mike @ Wheel Medic, Inc.
  19. It sounds like a conflict of interest situation. In Ohio you can get fired for any reason or no reason besides race, gender, etc...
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