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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. What? Does it not work? It looks like it's just confirming that you made a post.
  2. a question or request? If it's a question of how then just use a photo editor software. Looks like you got it though.
  3. I gots me some of those. Too lazy to post though.
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/yrix/2479487925/
  5. Fire fox - select view from the top menu then zoom in or out. IE - view then text size then select the one you want.
  6. I prefer driving if I can. But on far trips like Vegas or Cali I'll fly. I've done the driving to Cali once... that was enough. One heck of a pilot!!!
  7. Talk to Chris, Excell I think it's just html code though
  8. I'm not the giver of the colors... so you'll have to ask someone else.
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