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Posts posted by Jelloman4571647545499

  1. I don't usually like posting the guns I have but since there seem to be some cool stuff in here I don't mind adding two from the collection. Both were build for specific reason, the first is a Remington 700 in 260 built for my 2016 PRS gun. The second is a 9mm AR built with a Quarter Circle 10 Glock lower that I put together for work. Both have paperwork completed and sent in for suppressors.







  2. I have often thought of selling everything but a few things and driving off out west. I had an instructor in school always talk about talking 3-6 months off to walk the Appalachian Trail every year. I was always somewhat envious of my instructors lifestyle. He chose to live with the minimum requirements since everything he wanted to do was outside of Ohio.
  3. all manufacturers have different "sit time" for base. I shoot Spies and its awesome. Then again we don't base a car and leave for two days.


    Like Kevin said, feathering peeling clear can be done but you need to be careful. I run multiple MSO shops and I recommend Kevin Clifford.He has been a staple of quality work for CR members for over a decade.

  4. Yet another great review for Mr. Stock. He answer all of my questions, regardless of how repetitive they were, to help us start and close our new loan quickly. He works well with very impatient people and I would never hesitate recommending him to anyone. He answered all of our questions including the ones that I should have asked the realtor.


    Thanks again for all the help, Marc.

  5. Just for shits and giggles, here is Taran Butler and Bob Vogel going at it. Taran shoots instinct. Bob uses sights. Both are Grand Master class shooters; closer to cyborg than humans.




    I trained with Bob multiple times over the years when I was shooting IDPA, USPSA and 3 Gun and he is by far the best teacher I could recommend for anyone who wants to learn pistol or get into competition shooting. He knows the LEO side as well therefore he can give ACTUAL experience and not something he heard, read or watched. I ran against him on a dueling tree and he promptly hurt my ego with a .60 first shot from draw. He then proceed to hit 4 out of 5 on a 12"x12" Plate at 200 yards with his Glock.


    Great man to learn from because he could run you through 50 scenarios about proper sight utilization.

  6. I'm in need of talented body men at two locations in Columbus who are willing to work hard AND be paid for it. If you are interested in the position please PM me and we can talk specific details. I oversee two shops that I need three to four talented body techs between level three and four (if you're familiar with levels).


    Great pay, excellent benefits, monthly bonuses, and a great group of people.


    Thank you,


  7. I find it hard to believe that an officer acted alone, even if he was the only one standing on the hood of the Malibu firing into the windshield (it just isn't in police training to act alone, relies a lot on the buddy or partner system).


    Most departments are single man units and the officer is trained as an individual, not a team. Anyways the officer who pulled the trigger will always have to answer for HIS actions, regardless if he is riding with someone.


    They will probably riot because thats what people do. It will be a long weekend for the Departments up there.

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