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Everything posted by Amy

  1. I probably saw the same one too, been seeing it up here in Dublin and Powell. Good looking car, then there was a white one I saw the other day with a blonde driving it. I didnt know what they were until now :-) Good looking cars!
  2. Amy

    RX-7 Carl

    Hey clear out your inbox lol.
  3. Amy

    6/6 friday

    Haha, I understand, well next cookout maybe I can talk ya into it, so I can see what the fuss is all about :-) hehe. Have a good one Mike :-)
  4. Amy

    6/6 friday

    Taking any passengers tonight Mike?
  5. Amy

    6/7 Staurday

    I might stop out tonight. Been nice weather today.
  6. Well good job Brian! Thanks for the hard work in getting the cruise back up and going for CR. Looks like the summer is starting to turnout better already!
  7. Ryan, shootme a call if you head out.
  8. What a retard. Who passes up $21m to throw a freaking basketball around ??
  9. I'd say Trails since it's not as bad as Marion, or you could do Kil Kare, you can always gets tons of runs in. Have fun with lines at Trails though, that never move.
  10. He stays up and plays Halo.. If someone wants to go to bed and the other one doesn't.. who cares.. let it go and they will be in later ya know? Just my $.02 cents lol
  11. Well no flights anywhere since the losers went out of business. Thank god I work for the airlines and was able to help my friends get home since they left thousands of people stuck all over the place. What a terrible way to do business no wonder they went under. Btw, Delta and Northwest have now merged!
  12. http://www.modulardepot.com (Ken) or http://www.modularpowerhouse.com (Tim)
  13. Dave; Cobra looks great! Glad you found the car you wanted! Steve, Dan... lookin good as always! Nice times! Great vid!!
  14. Yeah Sky Bus can have those $10 dollar flights because 80% of the time they are cancelled and your stuck in airport's for 2-3 days. Just seems like if you really need a cheap ticket, that's the way to go, but other carrier's like Midwest, US Airways and Delta are a much better avenue to persue as far as air travel and also noramlly very reasonable also. Just my $ .02 cents. :-)
  15. Welcome! You run NMRA or FFW? Good luck on the new project!
  16. Joe and I were out last year (winter time) at Denny looking at a deep red skyline. Completely overpriced and I wasnt impressed with there knowledge of cars, they let us sit in the car, rev it up ... etc. Car wasn't AWD I dont think. I think it was the RWD.. But I don't know anything about those car's either. I don't see the point in 70 grand for one. But hey to each there own. They are interesting and impressive car's for what they are made for. :-)
  17. NB Specialties 1-800-560-0797 She has been in business for around 30 years her avg client is around 100- 150 dollars depending obviosuly on what you need done. She also will provide free notary and if you ever get audited she will speak with the IRS
  18. He is 7 mos old and we just got him but our neighbor has been bitching for 2 days.. so we paid 137 dollars for him and now I dont want to take him back to the pound because its like a jail there. If someone would like to buy him and has a good home email me or pm me.. 137 for him. Amy
  19. I have 13 sponsors so far. I spent over two year's making packet's, letter's, proposal's etc. I finally am where I would like to be at with thing's and am in the process of re-doing the entire car to where I want it. If anyone would like some help I'd be more than glad to give a helping hand. One thing to remember, don't ever let anyone tell you "No" or "Don't bother" because even if the first 10 say no; there will more than likely be someone out there willing to do something. Even if it is a discount to a full sponsorship every little bit counts.
  20. http://www.amystewartracing.com (under media) and somewhere on UTube is "amys burnouts" theres like three links on there of the loud ass thing and I have a few vidoes of my passes in STL last year but who knows there there at... (talking about bringing up a old post lol)
  21. Ben I sent you a PM with my new cell... Joe gave me the message I just forgot to call back.
  22. Amy

    First Post

    Yeah it is; that car also won NMRA Columbus 2006's Wild Street (fastest car) it's pretty f'ing badass!~ Welcome girl!
  23. Hey you, aren't you supposed to be like emailing me its 08" LOL.
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