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Everything posted by Amy

  1. If I do anything after my fucktastic day... I say Hooters in Hilliard!
  2. Amy

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Yeah, I knew the "wearable" items wouldnt be covered, I was just saying how much of a rip off they were... But the other thing that cracked me up was they said now its a bad tie rod and the tires are all bad.. (I just replaced all four tires 2 months ago LOL) Buckeye and Dave Ill shoot you guys a call thanks!
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AmysBAD98GT/mikedananddaves51.jpg Not the pic I thought it was.. Im looking for the other ones Dave.. Ill find them.. but his is the one all the way over on the left.
  4. Amy

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Because you bought the better German car... I bought the shit box version I guess lol
  5. Amy

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Its a 2003 E-320 ... Yeah just got the news that its thousands of dollars to fix the wheel bearing, the cup holder, and change oil, and the other tiny things that need done. Warranty doesnt cover ANYTHING! OMG Pissed isnt the word right now.. ready to fly off the handle would be a better terminology! Im getting a copy of the warranty that was $3800 dollars and taking that and the car to the fucking Lexus of Dublin dealer that I bought it from and going the fuck off on them! This is retarded! No customer service at fucking all!
  6. Amy

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Nope never got anything like that. Hell I still haven't got the extra key they were supposed to have for me 3 months ago or the fucking phone that came with the car!!
  7. Amy

    I hate Mercedes!!

    Ok so the other day I notice my "check engine" light came on in the Benz. Plus a few other little things that needed to be taken care of. So I missed my apt this morning and had to go in a little later. I go in knowing that I have 100k mile warranty I purchased, thinking the charge wouldnt be hardly anything since I bought a 4k dollar warranty for the pile of shit. Oh well.. "Service E" is a oil change, brake inspection and wiper inspec. which costs $584.00. Then to pull my "check engine" code is another $155.00 just to tell me what's wrong with it. There is another charge of $135.00 to look at the cup holder and cubby hole to see what is wrong with them. THEN IF, they are covered under the warranty, they will be replaced, if not I get to pay to have them replaced.... So can someone tell me what the fuck a extended fucking warranty is for then?
  8. Dave, I have some really good pics of the car from Dans house a couple years ago if you would like them. Good luck on the sale... sad to see you sell it, its a badass car!
  9. Hahah, Damn that is too fucking funny, but yet scary!~! Now I know how my stalker knew where I was all the time haha.
  10. haha no way... seriously? Ok thats creepy.
  11. Another reason to never get married. Geez what a bunch of f'd up people.
  12. Or you could just let me go through the gears a couple times, that would take care of the clutch haha :-) Nice kills Lani! Now you need spray... no more 12s go 9s!
  13. Don't let her lie to you, she's got a 300 shot on there! LOL
  14. Amy

    Cancer is back :(

    Bill, really sorry to hear about this. Cancer is a terrible diease! You can fight it, and think it's finally gone, and then it can come back. Just remember she seems to be a strong woman, help her through what she needs and be there for her. She can do it again I'm sure of of it. With enough prayer's and support people can get through the worst situations. You need anything let me know. My best goes out to you and the family. Keep your chin up, she will get better, she's just going through the hard times.
  15. I might head out there to watch.
  16. Amy

    Fall Cruise!

    As posted already lol... Meeting at Noon at the Wendy's on ST RT 33 and Hamilton Road. If you need directions send me a PM. :-)
  17. Amy

    Thank You Cr!

    Was a awesome day for sure! Had a blast helping out. Lani, thanks for letting me miss 4th gear lol Ray, thanks for placing my brain in the trunk on the launch and saying hail mary at the end to stop :-)
  18. Amy

    Fall Cruise!

    I dont have a addy but RT 33 is on the East side of I-270. Head 33E towards Lancaster, once you exit off of I-270 onto RT33 East, Hamilton Rd is the first exit. Get off turn left onto Hamilton Rd and Wendys is over the bridge and on the right hand side of the road.
  19. Amy

    Hey Ray...

    I love riding in that car! :-)
  20. I have a couple of you on my phone.
  21. Amy

    Fall Cruise!

    Ok just a reminder for the cruise. Still for the 2nd weekend of Oct. Going to Hocking Hills. Was just there yesterday and it's really starting to look beautiful down there. There are some badass roads I found that some of you will just fall in love with, heading from Old Mans Cave to Cantwell Cliffs... only words are "holy crap". So lets plan on meeting on 2nd weekend of Oct (Sat) and we can meet up at the Wendy's off ST RT 33 and Hamilton Road and head on down for a day of fun. Were bringing food, pop, games.. whatever else we want. "Please remain seated, until the ride comes to a complete stop" lol
  22. I enjoyed working Tech and the Water Box with Miss Becky!!! Also getting my brains smashed into the back of my head in Koolrays car.
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