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Everything posted by RangerTurbo

  1. wait, Kristi you were with a hooker? .... something you need to tell us?
  2. Alex, i know how you feel, you dont know how much you miss it till you cant get it there are none in Idaho or Utah... bummer
  3. so 7 pages and it ends like this? thats like bad sex, go through all the long drawn out foreplay, only to fall asleep before the grand finale
  4. along with keeping shit to throw: AA batteries can cause some nice damage at 75 mph when thrown backwards at the cars or pretty much any random small heavy objects.... screw drivers, nails, stones from your floor board so.. whats the Idaho strip club got to do with this????:leghump:
  5. oh ill still eat there, just a bad bad plug i didnt know about the ecoli thing goin on, but what do you expect from a mexican run (most of em) restuarant where if there is a fly in the lettuce they merely pick it out and throw it on the ground. no changing of gloves or replacing the lettuce
  6. watching a documentary on Discovery channel about ground zero and what took place over those 102 minutes exactly 19 minutes into the documentary they show 3 or 4 guys trapped in an elevator, one guy goes to push the buttons (like any person would) and there in his hand is non other then a Chipotle Cup.... just like any other type of forced advertising they zoom into the cup and then past it to the guy, it doesnt say Chipotle, but the recognizeable burito picture on white cup is a definate give away what a fucking sick plug for chipotle... way to capitolize on a historical and devistating disaster....
  7. who all has experience with this? im interested in getting some engine parts cryo'd, like the weakest points of the engines. the block and cranks and pistons in my lil 4 are capable of 700 HP (circle track guys know and prove this), its the rods that become questionable at ~350HP, and the valve train could use some beefing up just wondering what the capabilities of the process really are
  8. oh and Buck, i didnt come to Idaho to go to the strip clubs, im here for training.... and we only went because the water on the lake wasnt calm enough to go wakeboarding, something about the area forest fires creating wind = white capping waves on a fucking lake
  9. Holy fucking shit guys i go to bed on page one of my thread and wake up on page 7, thats in-fucking-credible funny as shit to read though, cudos to that
  10. haha, i think two thoughts crossed, i wasnt talking bout a fire, but what Anthony said.... oh well, so bout them damned strip clubs anyhow....
  11. didnt figure it was, was kinda wondering if that was crossing the lines or not
  12. you tended there and never danced? the lady that walked around bringing our drinks was "more out going" than most the strippers. We kept buying her drinks and had her drunker than shit by the time we left, if only i was single.....
  13. for less if you find the right places *cough cough fox hole in new castle*, that place is a shit hole though
  14. SUCK!!!! they're are not even real strip clubs, they are bikini clubs... how gay. Atleast back in Ohio the girls would flop out the titties and expose the puss
  15. i see another "Real Men of genious" beer commercial stemming from this
  16. wow, lets stand here and video tape instead of seeing if eveyone is okay.... good video, dumbass reporter
  17. **************CONVICTIONS************** C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: FRANKLIN CO MUNI COURT COURT CASE: 6135434 OFF. DATE: 04/04/2006 CONV. DATE: 05/02/2006 POINTS: 00 OFFENSE: VIOLATION EQUIP REGULATNS C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: NEWARK LICK CTY MUN CRT COURT CASE: 4D01553 OFF. DATE: 02/13/2004 CONV. DATE: 02/18/2004 POINTS: 02 OFFENSE: SPEED 080 MPH IN A 55 MPH ZONE ***************ACCIDENTS************** A1 ACCIDENT DATE: 04/04/2006 COUNTY: FRANKLIN BMV CASE: 68072001 ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** wow, thats all they have me for? so the equipment violation was a plea bargain stemming from the accident since niether of our cars could be found at fault (though the guy went around me into a turn only lane and then tried to cut me off in an intersection!!!!!!), and the equipment violation was a "muffler violation", on an 05 ranger??? whatever, it only cost me $25 and made the other guy responsible for his own vehicle damages, his car came out way worse then my truck sucka!!!!!
  18. jesus, a 250 shot would tank most engines
  19. hahaha, everytime i read this thread im mezmorized by that silly cat.....
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