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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Meh its not going to be fast, dont kid yourself tongue.gif , I mean power to weight ratio means nothing right??? buwhaha
  2. We will be playing poker tonight, hold-em style. Anyone interested please contact me via PMS, and I can give you directions. The more the merry !
  3. Your still a loser, just a little older smile.giftongue.gif
  4. Well "lets be honest" my opinion of Sam is he seems to be a nice guy, who has made it on his own, and my hats’ off. I think my goal there was to prove to some of the haters on the board that Sam is not some guy who had his shit handed to him, cause yes I do hear it all the time, and believe it or not I can make my own decisions. Also how does Anthony have anything to do with this? I am pretty sure he has no relevance, as he can’t make words come out of my mouth. And I wanted to thank you for correcting my post, which was sweet of you. Like many know I do not really care about using proper English skills on this forum, its not life or death to me. But go ahead and keep correcting. On the topic of grasping facts, it seems you’re a little lost, if I understood Jeff's comment in this thread stating, that none of his employees have made posts in this thread, which give me the impression you not part of his company any more. Hopefully this can be discussed in person where it belongs. Cause I won’t “BITCH” out graemlins/jerkit.gif
  5. I will be in attendence, its a lot of fun, and if any luck, even though i am not sure why i bother saying this, i might have the 240 running.
  6. Sam, What do you do to have all this money if you dont mind me asking? And how did you get into it? I hear people tell me shit about how your dad handed this business to you, and you dumber then a box of rocks, and I would just like to know the truth so all this bullshit he said she said is not out there. Cause running any business takes smoe intelligence. Well Jeff isnt actully doing the work tongue.gif ... But i have delt with the shop on many occasions, and although i have had no work done their it does seem things are completly differnt then they were before. The parts service i got was great, and like sam I got personal calls often. I think all of the bullshit that happened before with ricky is over, as i do believe he has no part in the company anymore.
  8. Yes his name is Mike, hes not on here, and pm me for his number.
  9. Brandon

    Poker crew...

    that must be nice!!!!!!!!!
  10. that was nice of norwalk to let those kids have an enjoyable day, props to them.
  11. Its from around 92, it runs, just when the blades are not engaged it has idleing proublems. It need some new tires, they dont hold air very well, although we just pump them up before we cut, it have a broken lense on the front light, no big deal, and well it just needs some help. I can take some pictures, but its 100 obo right now. -Brandon
  12. Brandon

    osu tickets

    I already got mine smile.gif
  13. Hmm I might have to get out to marion as well, as I will at least have a car that can hit mid 13s hooray...
  14. Brandon


    Uhh the union can forgot about striking now, and they can forget about the amazing treatment they have had during GM and Ford's haydays. And it could possibly be a turnaround I agree, time will tell.
  15. Brandon


    Gm has failed at everything from 1980 to now, and this is why they are in huge debt, which in turn gave them the wonderfull status of junk. Adam your right about sterotypes, and that is a direct fault to GM, and only GM.They built shit for so long that people had to resort else where for a better product, which the Japenese were doing, ( Gm was just greedy and charging the same amount for a lesser quality product, recieving quick gains, while the Japense have slowly swooped into total control, with a less profit per product then GM, but a better product, which is altimatly what the consumer wants. ok back on topic). Just look at any one of General motors cars with in the last 10 years, and how their values held up compaird to the Japense car companys, Honda, and Toyota, its painfully obvious who built a better product. Moral of the story drastic changes need to occur, for both Ford, and GM, they should have made these changes years ago, but sadly I think its little too late. And no one get the misconception that I am a GM hater, cause I have no proublems with them at all, infact it would please me to see them dominate the market once again, and destroy the Japense, but unfortunalty its very unlikly that will happen. This is for Madmalibu.....Dynasty what.....
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