Heading home from Mansfield where we met up with my fiance's dad & stepmother for father's day, some jackass in a 2010 red camaro on 71-S was riding my tail in the fast lane while I was passing the slower moving traffic in the center lane. As I get next to the last car in the middle lane before the lane opens up (when I would have moved over for him), the fuckface in the camaro slows behind me, jumps over two lanes cutting off the 2nd car in the middle lane, guns it, cuts all the way over into the fast lane QUICKLY while cutting off the first car in the middle lane. During which I see the dumbass coming from my right, so I have to move 1/2 way into the berm otherwise he would have sideswiped my fiance in the passenger side and would have taken off my front bumper to which he quickly receives a gesture of my appreciation via my middle finger. At this point, he pulls away doing at least 100 right before it goes down to two lanes. I can now see him ahead just weaving like crazy, cutting off car after car and causing everyone to slam on their brakes really fucking up the flow of traffic.
Got on the phone with the OHP and gave them the info. Only saw one OHP car coming the other way, but he must have gotten off somewhere because they called me back asking if I still saw him infront of me, which I didn't.
cliffs: Don't drive like an asshole just because you have a new sports car