Watched the Dark Knight with the g/f Friday night (first time she'd seen it). I'd forgotten how good the audio is in that movie. Few times we heard our wine glasses chattering in the cabinet thanks to my sub.
A buddy of mine did that a couple of years ago. Pretty much gave up everything here and started fresh in AZ. Can't say I blame him for wanting to move, but warmer weather wasn't worth the price IMO.
I'm assuming it's this video you're talking about.
Not sure where you can find it like that, but when it comes to that style, I prefer making my own.
Someone needs to talk to my work about getting a contract. The guys they currently have are worthless. 4 people crashed into the curb in our entrance here last night because they hadn't been out to address the ice in our parking lot.
Saw it Friday afternoon. Way too predictable. Will Smith's kid is annoying as hell. $10 for a medium coke & medium popcorn is a ripoff. Easton was way to busy with damn Christmas shoppers, so parking sucked. Only saving grace was that I saw it on an IMAX screen.