After refinancing my car two year ago (thanks ex-wife) and extending the loan another year+, I'm finally done with that payment. Now the question is; what to do with that extra doah!
Do I:
1. Get an expensive hooker once a month?
2. Get a few cheap hookers once a week?
3. Blow in on coke?
4. Go to Vegas?
5. Blow it in Vegas?
6. Buy a used S8 to be like Jones?
7. Put the extra money into my savings?
The possibilities are endless really.
The first one came out when computers were really starting to become available and Jeff Bridges' character was successful because he was one of the first hackers. It "failed" in the theater because everyone was going to see ET instead. I remember seeing both of them the same week in the theater when I was a kid.
I'll definitely check out the 2nd one when/if it comes out.
Guilty of pretty much all, but the being gay one.
My shitty schedule is changing this week, so finally after about 4 years, I'll have Saturday nights off again which frees up the entire day.
DC is my favorite show on tv. This season had quite a few new issues with the boats breaking down and Phil's medical problems. I think they're doing a good job of changing things up on the show (not saying Phil's issues were written or anything), they just capture situations differently every season it seams.