As much as people go back and forth on here, Columbus Racing really is a great community and often times, I think we lose sight of that. With my sudden crisis of a lack of photographer (which is now remedied) for my wedding Friday, a number of CR members went out of their way to get in touch with me, adjusting pricing, began steps of getting the day off their other jobs and I really can't say THANK YOU enough. With only four days left and having everything taken care of for this fairly large event, finding that we had to begin the search for a photographer again really generated a good amount of stress over the last couple of days. But having the availability of some really giving & generous people on here really makes me proud to be a member of this group..regardless of how many meets I attend or people that I know really well, I'm glad to be here. We should all take pride in being part of such a solid community that I'd like to think, does actually care for each other (to some degree).
In short...Thanks.