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Everything posted by Browning

  1. not all of the explorers had 3.73's, mine had 3.55 and was 4x4. But anyways, try to find one here: http://www.rrorc.com
  2. I wasnt asking for pirated software, I have a registered copy of xp, just not the disk
  3. Why the fuck is it stupid? BTW-it's fixed, runs like a champ. Thanks everybody
  4. Sorry I just got back to this. I still need the disk. Anthony sorry I never called, didnt get the number and been busy. If I can get the disk, I can do it myself. Dragknee, are they professional? I can get a home edition xp from a buddy, but wouldnt my key not work since mine is for pro?
  5. well whats the charge? How longs it take? The main prob now is the audio device isnt showing up, says there isnt one. And, when I click on Internet Explorer, it pops an error about missing dlls
  6. My computer took a total crap, cant get on the net and its not recognizing some of my programs. I need to reformat asap, but dont have the xp disk. Anybody here have the ability to burn me a copy by chance? If so, what would I owe ya? Im sitting at the library at the moment, therefor I dont know when I can check this thread again. But, if anybody can do this for me, give me a ring and Ill come pick it up depending on where you live. 740-743-3023 Thanks, Jack
  7. what the fuck are you talking about?? That was fucking retarded lol
  8. Im not worriedabout it, already got some tail lined up:) Karma will catch up with her soon enough
  9. I was going to, but couldnt do that to her even after all of this. It was really important that she cant do without.
  10. LMAO, I cant even remember typing that shit last night, I was pretty drunk. Im pretty calm today, thought about it alot this morning, fuck her. I'm not even wasting my time on it, bitch aint worth it, and I can plenty better pussy than that. I called up her dad this morning, told him that I would prefer him to come get the shit,which I had gotten out of the yard at like 3:30 this morning. He came, got it all, and the man apologized to me basically for his daughter being a whore. That had to of been hard to do. I told him to tell her not to bother me ever again, and thanks for wasting the last 3 years of my life. Thats it, time to go whoring, I have been with the same pussy for 3 years, god damn.
  11. Been dating this girl for almost 3 years. A couple months ago we took a break, got back together like 2 weeks later. Both of us had went out with other people on the break, no big deal right? Well everything has been good, or so I thought. Tonight she decides not to comehome after work, here I am worried to death. Her family hadnt heard from her or anything. So I start getting worried, just on the safe side I call the two hospitals in Zanesville, not there so I at least know shes ok. She calls me like an hour ago, said she wanted to come get her stuff. Im like ok, whats going on, where ya been? She said shopping, "yea right". She finally admitted that she was out with this dude, I immediately go off the fucking wall. Told her he is a dead man, and Im throwing her shit out the fucking door. So now I have a yard full of shit, and this bitch got scared and took of to her "new" guys house. If anybody knows a guy named Al, in Zanesville that drives a black mustang, tell him I said he is going down!! I may not be on here for awhile after tomorrow, but who knows I may cool down a little by then. Sorry for the post, Im just pissed and need to let out some steam. I think this is my first post in the kitchen lol
  12. Thanks,but it didnt turn up anything
  13. I am trying to find a crack, or activation key for a wysiwyg page maker Intellyweb. A already cracked version would be nice, but Im on dial up again so that would killme. Anyways, if any of youhave access, could you do a search for Intellyweb for me please? Thanks
  14. cool deal, thanks guys I appreciate it, alot! I know these few guys were some of his closest friends. Jimmy and Jerry Beasley, Jerry Whitacker(may be spelled different) Don Deoring, and Henry Smith. **edit** oh, and a guy with the last name Ross, they called him "Black Eyes Ross"
  15. Any of you guys' parents grow up on the hilltop by chance, around Eldon, and are around the ages of 48-54 or so? The reason I ask is, I'd like to find somebody, anybody who might have known my father, Larry D Browning. He ran around Holton park alot, and him and his friends used to call themselves the holton park boys when they were teenagers. He passed away when I was 3, in 1984, and I was too young to remember him. For some reason Ive been thinking about it, alot lately! I think it would be cool to find somebody who knew him, and can tell me something about him. All I have heard are stories, etc from family members. Anywho, if ya parents grew up in that area, please ask them if they knew him for me. Thanks.
  16. for the speedo, just swap your tail housings and drive gear. Im trying to find the other info now:)
  17. I have been trying to find a way to add a couple calculators to my site,but dont know the code I need. The 2 calculators can be found here: http://www.malawimayhem.com/calculate.php Anybody have any clue as to what I need?
  18. all, its going to suck to be smelling that shit all winter long..lol
  19. 1989 cavalier beater. When you turn the heater on it smells like something electrical is burning, or burnt up actually, kinda like the way a burnt appliance smells if you know what I mean. It doesnt do it with the A/C on though. Anybody got any ideas?
  20. During World War II, Kit Kat was unavailable due to milk shortages, so the chocolate bar was made without milk.
  21. its all volunteer work around here
  22. Browning


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