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Everything posted by Browning

  1. LAMO, better believe Ill catch him. Im tired of fixing this fucking turd of a car, time for somebody else to. Got some more info, village cop chased a truck fitting the description, but he got away. He says he's got some leads to check up on when his shift starts. But, I dunno
  2. no joke man, fucker pelled up in the driveway I guess, hit the car, and hauled ass out of here.
  3. Girlfriends car got hit, and they sped off. We got a tip on the license plate number, it may possibly be hit. Cops wont tell us the info, and believes it to be the guy who hit our car. Can somebody run this plate by any chance? Please? DOT-1337
  4. http://www.scanohio.com/live/
  5. no problem, they must have gotten away. They also mentioned the chopper was down for repairs. http://www.rrorc.com/forums/images/smilies/driving.gif
  6. I dont think that mine is the cheap soft metal, I used to put it through hell when I was a kid, no damage done to it.
  7. also, they said they will be watching 270 all night tonight, watch out
  8. Red honda and black bmw, are about to be busted lol. Im listening to the scanner now, zone 3. They are on 270 just passed roberts road they said, running people off the road graemlins/slap.gif
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7986828480&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  10. intake is on ebay now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7987635852
  11. I have it on a couple knife forums now, getting a little bit of info on it. Thanks.
  12. I have had this thing for around 17-18 years. My sisters father gave it to me, not knowing anything about it. I dont remember where or how he got it. I remember as a kid it being the coolest knife I have ever seen. On the blade it says India, with some design. On the bottom of the handle it has what appears to be a lion(not sure because its beat up) How would I go about finding out if its homemade, or ?? I forgot I even had the thing. http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/6548/knife9zo.th.jpg http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/3663/knife27hx.th.jpg http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/8560/knife37af.th.jpg http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/286/knife47zy.th.jpg
  13. http://www.blazinlow.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51736
  14. Ive got 4 sisters, so I could just imagine. Hope shes ok, and you guys can get her home quick. Why wont the cops help? Not been gone long enough or?
  15. nothing has been checked. Just seen the CEL and she took it to auto zone to get scanned and thats what they said.
  16. 2.0 beetle. Has a rough idle, rpms drop, then raise. Only does it at idle, when your driving the car its fine. Check engine light is on, she took it to auto zone and they told her it came back as "internal engine problem" or some shit.
  17. Browning


    Give this guy an email, this is what he said: "i work for a custom shop we do bikes and lowriders all day everyday and im also a writer myself he can send us the parts or bring it up himself were in parma ohio like 5 mins south of cleveland so its only a 2 hr drive each way~ get back at me if ya want paintslut@hotmail.com"
  18. I got it off, took like an hour. I just used a hair dryer and my fingernails. Worked like a charm
  19. Browning


    I talked to a few taggers, they all said you'd be better off, and easier if you could find a tatoo artist to airbrush it for you.
  20. Browning

    Who is?

    Me either, but it was funny as hell to read. I agree with YOgi
  21. Got this last year and was too big for our comode. Never opened, the package contains the following: Fill valve Flexible refill tube Float ball Spring cup Shank Washer Cone washer Flapper tank ball Float rod Locknut Coupling nut Thick washer Serrated washer Says its not for low one piece toilets. Come get it if you think you can use it. Rather somebody use it than us throwing it away.
  22. Somerset here. I grew up in Columbus if that makes ya feel beter
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