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Everything posted by jimvr4

  1. Check the shit out.. skitch wheelie at the end http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/view?&h=105&w=140&type=msmedia&rurl=forum.tt-hardware.com%2Fultimatebb.cgi%3Fubb%3Dget_topic%26f%3D15%26t%3D004584&vurl=www.resnet.wm.edu%2F%7Ea cking%2FBike%2Fstreetfighter.wmv&back=p%3Dstunt%2Bbike%26toggle%3D1%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3DFP-tab-vid-t-276%26b%3D41&turl=scd.mm-so.yimg.com%2Fimage%2F1700018743&name=streetfighter.wm v&no=45&tt=113&p=stunt+bike&size=18.8MB&dur=313
  2. Hell yeah me and dub busted a duel stand up, in front of those bitches!!!!! they need faster 4wheelers lol!!
  3. anyone else going to the trails? matt are you ...you better...wheelie races down the track graemlins/nutkick.gif come one come all
  4. buy a 01zx9r see zx9r for sale thread
  5. yeah i think its going to rain friday. And isnt it king of columbus the friday?? so i think we are S>O>L>... but if it dosent rain lets doit at the spot... and joe i got a new tire today so its on... and i need a fing hole saw to put my cages on...
  6. joe said he wanted to wheeelie race you matt
  7. HA HA HA joe your fucked everyone knows you hahahahahahahahahah </////////>````` SMOKE ANOTHER ONE STONER!!!!! SUP MATT
  8. I'll give you 5,200 for it. If it is the collectors edition paint.
  9. There was a guy that owned a honda dealership in austraila ,that did one of thse, cause thay have a parts dept. and delivered parts, well eveyother honda store buys a non honda truck seeing as how they don't make one yet.... but he did not wANt to bring honda parts in a differnt brand vehicle, so he made his own accordaruck. Hey at least the guy is faithful to his brand. And has the injinuity to make it work. but i can only imagine it takes along time delevering parts 1 quarter panel at a time.lol
  10. I feel it is an invasion of privacy, if you want to be stupid and crazy well its your own free will . consitutional right and should be aginst the law. Theres a up,and down side to it also like the three people killed on 71 (R.I.P.)... if the guy was going a million miles an hour its just that much more evedince aginst him..maybe enough for the death penalty??? but also it one of us was to wreck (knock on wood) they would say oh look at this he might have only hurt himself but he's a danger to the public. There goes driving privlages for life..(could happed in near future the way the laws are going... so its a coin toss to weather or not it is a good thing... just something to think about.. Theres good and evil in everything in the world ...it's just depends on how it interpretated...
  11. Hey lay off my 69 rs ss big block!!! lol
  12. 1: 69 roadrunner hemi 2: 69 camaro ss z11 option (396 with muncie 4 spd) only 50 made 3: Enzo 4: f50 5: ZX10r equiped with a velocity racing big billy bad ass turbo that needs nos to spool up... Daily driver : the Viper from the show Viper. the camaro is a convertable
  13. LOL That blows the copetition out of the water...or in to it for that matter.....
  14. was it the true2 form on cleaveland??
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