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Everything posted by jimvr4

  1. Moseyoak stampede bug shield for 2003-??? chevy2500hd any offer takes it over $5.00 link to pic
  2. Bump for a good christmas gift.
  3. new never used Craftsman motorcycle/atv stand will not fit underneath a low harley,has 2 tiedowns still in plastic $75 firm MOTORCYCLE JACK STAND
  4. That girl probably shit her pants!
  5. M.P.S in Goveport does good work pretty cheap, I can't remember what I paid but it wasn't that much , I wouldn't trust Iron Pony to put on a tire after they put my friends tire on backwards rotation, then changed it back around and didn't re balance it . So if you go that route check tire direction. Just alittle advise. Now I change my own tires. $5 .to get it balanced = saving a lot of money,after the initial buying of stands and tireirons and rim protactors
  6. Forsale: used SAFC, fuel controller works on almost anycar. Good shape works like new http://roadraceengineering.com/newafc.htm ^ link to afc description SOLD
  7. jimvr4

    mach 1 GEARS

    I have a set of 3.55 gears out of a stock 04 mach1. They were taken out with less than a 1,300 miles on them. first $75.00 takes them. p.m. for number. thanks
  8. Let's make this a fair race for 2wheels vs. honda bobby...Let me get my little brothers moped!
  9. thats allright we dont want those kickstand rechargers on there anyways!
  10. jimvr4


    try m.p.s motorcycle parts and service in groveport ---cheaper than the pony
  11. jimvr4

    CO stunners?

    If you dont care about us stupid bikers and our lame ass tricks...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN THE BIKE FORUMS??????
  12. jimvr4

    Weekend Session

    he was going to call me this morning to meet up on the east side
  13. jimvr4

    Weekend Session

    what the fuck matt where you at????
  14. Dirty Old Mopar <---- graemlins/supergay2.gif
  15. NO my brother has the benz my nephew has the talon...dont know bout the honda.. But i'm not making threats i'm telling you how it is. You better edit the post!!!!! Faggot mother fucker!!! Cause who are you to start making judgements about someone you know nothing about!! PISSED
  16. You know people shouldnt talk shit like that... Cause you never know who is reading it..or who knows where you sleep!! graemlins/slap.gif
  17. Hey FUCK TARD thats my fucking brother !!!!YOU PIECE of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Why dont you cry about it a little more dont you think the people riding stand ups are looking around? I sure do. if someone comes over you just move around them, or put it down. We all know peolpe in cars arent paying attention!!
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