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Everything posted by SPLN SUX

  1. Me and Shelly have been toying the idea of picking up a Speedster 200 next year 430hp, in 19'9" of fiberglass... trim it on the ass end and fly baby :burn:
  2. Go with a Fountian or Donzi... youll never regret it :thumbup:
  3. I wont lie... i was little bit excited when i was done watching it, and had the gf been home, well... ida been a bit frisky hehehe
  4. its actully "P5LP-LE" its an ASUS board http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00864946&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3380263&lang=en
  5. no... he said Gallardo... its pronounced gee-are-doe, which sounds similar, but with his accent it sounds almost identitcal.
  6. Ill take care of her, shes be waiting for shot at me for a while ARMBAR!!!
  7. na, ive been hit twice... both reco's... one .38 off a tree, and a .22 off the ground... it only hurts for a couple minutes. The trick is to not panic... you do that and you can minimize the amount of blood you lose. Shock takes the pain away.
  8. Buells my be V twins... but theyre no joke... they can scoot.
  9. They dont hurt all that bad... MAN UP!
  10. Its a Radeon X700 SE... sell it to you
  11. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/72/172820683_91f4d07722.jpg?v=0
  12. SPLN SUX

    Dumb Bitch

    haha what a loser.
  13. I may have to get a Mustang, to actully be different.... wtf is the world comming to
  14. no need for parking lot enforcer... i think the "Follow my rules or go away" is enough BIG Steve is a go though
  15. i havent gotten a PM from him yet, but as i said, if i can move my schedule around to do so, id be more than happy to be there... wont be the first time ive cut a deal with big businesses... just last week i had both Assistant Vice Presidents of Hunington Bank at my store, kissing my ass so that i stay with their bank instead of going back to Fifth Third. They gave me a shirt, and some Clippers tickets, but if they screw up again, ill be asking for season tickets to buckeyes football or im walking... i wonder how much $2.5M/yr means to that branch? Im the Donald Trump of Columbus... if theres a deal to be had, i can make it happen
  16. yea, but the minumum order is 6, and the Names can be put on individualy... so what ever we decide, it needs to be a unanimous decision. I like the Hoodies just because as long as its not 90 fuckin degrees, it can be used year round... maybe a T or long sleeve T for the cooler months?
  17. How about something like this.... http://customink.com/cink/r.jsp?E=nick_schall@yahoo.com&F=crsecure1
  18. Chill out dude. Steve is cool. If you have issues, come talk to us at the next meet... dont be retarded and try to act hardcore on the internet, because i saw you, and all your little friends, and im VERY confident, myself, Steve, Brian, and Anthony are more than capable of breaking up any rowdyness you feel you and your little friends need to bring to our peacefull meets. Be smart, and just get along... or just dont come back.
  19. If the 14's didnt have the retarded louvers on the side, it would be pretty slick... but the louvers fuck it up.
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