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Everything posted by recklessOP

  1. recklessOP


    oh snap! the viper is, uh, unavailable... redface.gif
  2. that was an A6 intruder, not a harrier...
  3. recklessOP


    and despite his vast racing knowledge, we have yet to receive an answer. thrilling. really...
  4. recklessOP


    he does that a lot. he'll post something stupid, then disappear when someone calls him on it... here's a real gem: http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=003141;p=2#000034 how's that GT1 cavalier coming along? get a clue...
  5. recklessOP


    fixed for all 240s... tongue.gif
  6. recklessOP


    DONT EVER CALL ME OUT ON RACING. RACING IS WHO I AM, NOT WHAT I DO. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=12;t=001907;p=1#000002 make it stop...
  7. big surprise. happens every time you get called out... http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=003141;p=2
  8. first you post: then you post: does anything you post make sense?! [ 02. February 2005, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: recklessOP ]
  9. hey pat, you should post this on trackaddicts. haven't seen you post in a while... smile.gif good luck!
  10. i'd say cutting off someone's ear and mailing it is a little over the top. effective? yes. the right thing to do? probably not... tongue.gif that said, i'm not advocating that we sit on our hands and do nothing but talk. i wouldn't have a problem with police/special forces storming in and killing the bad guys to save a hostage. in that situation, a show of force is justified. i agree, we need to show some resolve and stand up to these people. even a show of force when the situation calls for it. it's just some of the methods i disagree with. my point is, we need to conduct ourselves in a professional and civilized manner when dealing with these situations.
  11. looking back at some of your previous posts, it seems like you're more concerned with getting even. not that you don't have a right to be angry with the current situation... i didn't say doing 'the right thing' would be easy. of course we'll be criticized no matter what we do. that's no excuse not to try though...
  12. 'doing the right thing' is what makes this country the greatest nation on earth. letting everyone else drag us down to their level will only destroy this country, not save it. is it fair? of course not...
  13. do you honestly think a lot of people on this board follow autox'ing..? how many national championships have YOU won..? [ 31. January 2005, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: recklessOP ]
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