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Everything posted by recklessOP

  1. why/how is the bolt locked back in the first two pictures?
  2. http://www.auto-ordnance.com/images/m1fa.gif
  3. i'd be interested to see how competitive they are. the caterpillar backed LMP we saw at le mans last year was using a production based engine (a modified VW touareg TDI V10) and wasn't very fast.
  4. from the 1999 R8R... http://www.mulsannescorner.com/audir8r-99.html btw, the engine was a V8. little else carried over to the R8. they may have borrowed components from another racing engine (the chrysler LMPs used modified sprint car engines. the engine for porsche's aborted LMP900 entry was based on an F1 project.). most of the engines are purpose built these days. considering audi's resources and budget, i'd expect nothing less. good information here: http://www.mulsannescorner.com/juhaAudiR10.html eric mentioned reliability issues earlier. it seems the new audi engine is running a relatively low (for a diesel) compression ratio. the driver's have been commenting about a "narrow" powerband (less compression, more boost) and VERY little noise. they've also fitted soot filters to the engine. i'd be more worried about the gearbox! audi claims the new xtrac box is LIGHTER than the R8's ricardo box, despite the massive increase in torque (maybe they removed a gear?). the diesel powered LMP we saw at le mans last year had serious clutch/gearbox related problems. 2007 is going to be an exciting year...
  5. yes and no. audi used a direct injection gasoline engine (the first race car to do so as far as i know) to good effect during the 2001 race. how about 6000 rpms? http://www.mulsannescorner.com/ricardojuddv10.html
  6. the R8 wasn't a world beater out of the box. the 2000 race winning car covered fewer miles than the 1999 car that placed 4th competing against bmw, toyota, and nissan. more factory participation might have changed things. that said, audi has a lot of useful racing experience to draw from now. jesse's right, we'll have a much better idea after sebring. a new car winning le mans isn't unheard of. mclaren did it back in 1995.
  7. can i get the stock lifters from the engine? i need a set...
  8. it rides like a truck (big surprise, i know!). if that's something you're used to, it may not bother you. the interior was ok, i just felt a little boxed in driving it. my parents ended up selling it to my brother. aside from the brakes and a problem with one of the seats, it seems to be holding up ok. it's been daily driven since it was new. the passport it replaced was a real piece.
  9. on a mustang? what kind of improvement are you looking for? at the very least you'll need coilovers. almost every serious mustang club racer is running griggs or maximum motorsports hardware.
  10. my parents used to have a 2000 (limited, I6, 4wd, etc.). underpowered if you ask me. the brakes absolutely sucked. my parents warped them repeatedly driving normally. new front calipers (newer design iirc) seemed to cure the problem. visibility wasn't very good. i didn't care for the seats. ride quality and fuel economy were terrible. interior fit and finish was about on par with a neon. can't say i miss it...
  11. found this online: i haven't verified any of this information, so take it with a grain of salt... they probably do share a lot of design aspects, but i seriously doubt any parts will interchange between the two engines. i've heard gm's northstar v8 is also similar. the LT5 would have needed a major overhaul/redesign to pass the current EPA regs. that's part of the reason GM dropped it.
  12. it was. lotus designed the heads and block. they had no part in the engine's production. i SERIOUSLY doubt the esprit V8 shares anything significant with the ZR1.
  13. they're using liters per 100 km. a lower number is better... a lot of cars will beat their factory fuel economy ratings cruising down the freeway...
  14. they're using liters per km. a lower number is better... a lot of cars do better (or worse) than the factory ratings. there's nothing scientific about their little test drive...
  15. i really hope dollar bill isn't as stupid as his posts suggest...
  16. an autoclave isn't a requirement. take a look at the toyota eagle GTP...
  17. if you're born there, and you can't afford to leave, what the hell are you supposed to do?
  18. "Yea but the financial loss was far worse." you sure about that? the cleanup effort is going to cost a lot of money. NO wasn't the only city devastated by this storm. a LOT of people (500,000 in NO alone) are going to have to start over. a huge number businesses have been damaged/destroyed. it's going to be a while before we realize the full effect of this hurricane. "In that time, despite my own financial loss, i went and did my part. I gave 3 pints of blood, put together boxes and boxes of canned gods and over the counter medical supplies together, cases of water, and gave them to the PD that picked it all up." awesome! "Ill volunteer my time, sweat, and blood all day long for someone who truely needs it... but my money stays in my pocket." fair enough. not everyone down there is a criminal. it doesn't matter if they tried to get out or not, no one deserves what happened to those people. you can debate what they should have done all you want, hind sight is always 20/20. no one was ready for this...
  19. that makes about as much sense as me asking you to walk to cleveland with no food or water if columbus was underwater. give me a break... because they're poor. what about the children trapped in NO? do they deserve to die too?
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