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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. i wont be spraying at 42 ....and rob after the track day u know those stickers are comming off all but one that is
  2. haha old man ill win this race at the tree...u should back out now
  3. nope no money for them and not using credit well be just fine .on what i have as long as i can get wot. so lets do this
  4. back is better ... i will be driving it..a lot
  5. rob i vote we leave the seat alone unless uve started call me
  6. i was heavily into planes till i really got into the hard stuff..battle ships and such
  7. i have the proform and it sucks do not buy it im going to try to switch to the contour fans
  8. my car faster than u off spray but slower than u on ...sad face it tough trying to compete with u f body guys
  9. josh you got ur own swinger awwwww...
  10. hes taking my car down the track...so dont talk shit about build quality ...its deff not pretty but itll hold together ...so shut your god damn mouth.
  11. yes it was me u met..i was wearinga shirt that had saasquatch on it and rob its easier to move the seat...at least quicker
  12. i blame jason and josh for helping me.....rob good work on the seat if it can go down like half in it would be perfect
  13. cuz he wont be spaying that car....
  14. I hear that coupe is slow and hates hot lapping .......
  15. little birdy says you might need to keep an eye out for another notch with a turbo
  16. u were distracted by the rice crispy treat . dont worry he got me with it once before too
  17. depends on how my credit it with u im broke as a joke i might swing by this weekend
  18. rob u can use my car and run that turd with the tape
  19. i seriously cant belive the d bags are calling for his job already fucking osu fans....i hope the team wins but everytim they do the fans get kicked in the nuts
  20. hahaha no osu threads yet..... was a good game. just not good enough. Mich has a long way to go to be back on top but tate is way better than threet. gooooo blue
  21. NTHER91


    not mad at all lol ill stop by this weekend jenn needs brke pads
  22. NTHER91

    HTC Touch Pro

    i new i could count on you guys ryan nd jason ur my heros
  23. wait who wouldnt want to spend all there time talking about cars and selling go fast goodies ill work up a resume get it to you this week
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